Kinetic Quasi Crystal

I used to use Torsion a lot more when it came out. I found myself not being drawn to it as much anymore. It’s still a really great field. As far as a “replacement” goes, I don’t know if there’s a comparable field for what it actually does. Someone else in the forum might be able to direct you somewhere :four_leaf_clover:


I finally have gotten this one too thanks to the many amazing and helpful testimonials from @anon51280824 :hugs:

Looks like a major booster that I have overlooked and something to really shorten my infnite long playlist.

Do I understand correct that this here will add the Quasi Crystal effects on my torus and this in a kinetic way, while Major BoL will add the Quasi Crystal effects on my actual energy body? Thanks in advance.


Congratulations! And i would have never thought you didnt have this one yet!! Its a game changer for real

Whole body

The “other energy bodies” now youll see even more power released and connected when using MBoP

Have fun!!


It depends what you want to use either for

The Torsion field is like Plasma Light Beach in the sense that its the original, raw, energy/effect

And then all the others that have come out after them, have them in the mix or as the base to create a certain specific effect. Or effects

they are on their own like Primers and then also Boosters, so can be used when you want to listen to other fields that dont contain them.

Or when you just want to Prime your body while charging it with a raw clear clean and powerful energy.

So can you replace it when using KQ, yes. But then if youve followed my advice, you can use the original Torsion to your stacks on the days you are not playing KQ if you want


Thank you :v:


My current stacks have everything i can handle: plasma field in the form of plasmatron, and the crystal fields and charger. i dont use the normal plasma and normal orgon accumulator since i bought the plasmatron. i use alot of the grounding from dreemseeds.

I use the ojas and the plasmafied mitochondria before i use the plasmatron (in the topic for the integraton was suggested to use them so). actually the other day i had used the plasmatron stack and then used the mythic combo. I felt a different effect from the Detoxed plasmatron life (it was no overcharging, it did other stuff…as said detox…)…same for BoL…and o my do i use torsion and cosmo with the plasmatron. have no probs. and i do need them.

The kinetic Quasi works also afterwards…for example you ve listened to stuff and then use it.
I speak from experience because today i started with stuff for clearing negativity because of need (was under attack) and then when the things chilled i used the crystal…

The Sapien fields are made to serve every goal…somethimes one cannot start with what is right but with what is needed and then continue the routine.


No, I’m not a patreon member so I don’t have Torsion but I do have KQC :white_heart:


Now you have both :smirk:


So in the description it says chromium. They meant copper right? Just want to know if I still am to listen to copper separately


Just listened for the first time…it’s making me cry and my heart aches…


Is a possible reason people can not see results beacuse their energy system lose that engery quickly? Is that a thing. @Maoshan_Wanderer what do you think?

Because if so then I think this field could help.
Just got the field and was just curious.


You mean the energy is not assimilated? Quite possible.


I don’t really know how it all works. But captain is talking about the effects of the KQC audio and he mentions that the field helps the body not lose the engery of the field.

Sammy was also talking (in a different thread) and was mentioning how its hard for people who are depressed and low vibration to get effects form the audios. (Not 100% sure he said that but some think very close correct me if am wrong)
So i was wondering could it be the case that people lose the energy of the fields too quickly and so its not integrated into their system. so they dont get results from fields

Is that a thing?
Essentially what I think am trying to say is. Does years of hatred corrupt the energy system?


Absolutely does…


Am I turning crazy or does this make time go fast?


I wonder if there are 3rd, 4th, 5th (etc.) options available to you?

(FWIW, I have not encountered that with this field.)

I feel the same, l wish to have this reversed and make time feel slower.


Slow Down the Perception of Time


pay attention to the Chakra Clearing series.


Thanks @Alex & @estambul l’ll work on both