Kitten diagnosed with FIP. Please help

Recently my furry friend had been showing some rather concerning symptoms (stumbling around, laying down for long periods of time) so I decided to take him to the vet.

They ran some tests and diagnosed him (or at least suspected) with FIP which is a disease mutated from feline coronavirus. And is apparently fatal without treatment (no cure readily available).

I did get prescribed some meds, which I will administer but at this time I’m trying to hold it together.

Please send healing energy or any helpful information or resources.

Thank you.


Im sorry aloegrey I know how hard this kind of situation is. Play as much as your can (looping ideally) the virus and parasites disruption for animals on the beautiful beasties album.

I’ll send healing as well.


Thank you @Star I appreciate it.

I’ve been playing the beautiful beasties album since yesterday along with some other related fields and have noticed slight improvements.

So I’ll keep doing that.


Done! :purple_heart:


On Psychic university patreon is the arcturian pet chamber for free. I read that his fields are good too and work. Maybe that helps too.
It is plasma energy but how the arcturians would interpret it or use it as far as I remember.

Found the link


He seems to be doing better guys. He has more energy and is moving around more fluidly. Gonna keep using my current stack along with his meds.

Thank you everybody for the positive energy and support, and thank you to @Captain_Nemo for the tools you provide to help us improve our lives and by extension our loved ones.

I really appreciate it. :heart:



Although my furry friend put up a good fight, he has since passed as of this afternoon.

I want to thank everyone who sent him healing including those in the Max Potion thread who were kind enough to do the same.

Grateful for you all and now I grieve. :pray:t4:


@aloegrey my sincere condolences. Please know you were the best he could have found. He is at peace with the care of our divine mother.

Rest and take care of yourself. Love to you.


I missed this, but encourage people to post pics of their pets and they can PM to me as well.

I know some are worried about energetic meddling, but that will not be a problem if my energy or allies are anywhere in the same multiverse.

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:sob: very sorry for your loss.

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Thank you. :heart:

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