Knight/warrior mindset

Is this safe for children to listen?

How old are you? And personally I don’t think it’s a good idea to do any modifications of a children’s open mind. (1-15 years)


Just seems amazing, having a kid growing up standing up for in self and being an inspiration to others, I believe dream wants more courage humans.


My thoughts exactly! I’m asking because of that exact reasons!


Programming on a kids mind ends at around 7-9 (subconsciously) I say 12 would be good but to be save 15 is a seems like a good time to introduce them to these fields.


Is that the rule for all fields? What about Abundance Mindset? Or fields for clearing from negative energies?

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I’m >15, so I think I’m fine! :wink:

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Oh wow! You’re super young. Be worthy and reach for higher morals, don’t get stuck in trying to be an alpha…


I believe this is important for everyone, especially if you grow up with family who always told you there wasn’t enough. Or just programming being passed down. I see this in my family and I’m grateful I don’t just take it all in.


Yeah, that is commonplace occurrence. It will be very useful field for many!

I think you shouldn’t mess with hormonal/SARM fields. Most of the other ones should be fine. Spiritual growth ones would be too good :wink: Those are the only ones I’d wish for if I was younger. Chakra series/Body Primer + Energy Sensitivity + soul restoration + vibration series + SLR + Mind Setting. Getting rid of negative programming & energy from your way is crucial to become the best version of yourself. All this “being alpha”, “getting laid”, “partying” is what the younger people are into these days. Heck my personality took a 180° turn since I got into the world of spiritual growth. It’s good to create a new baseline where you can use these powers for good


Trust me when I say this, you’ve truly discovered a gem man. I’m just waiting til I can introduce my younger brother to Sapien Medicine. He’s currently 9 years old. Just waiting for when the time is right. :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks man! Much appreciated!

ooh where can I find this??

The audio? It’s in his teespring

Yeah I’m checking Teespring right now but I’m only getting Kundalini Project and the other older audios/shirts. The list of the items on the store doesn’t show all of the products ever since they moved to TheSapienShop.


THIS! My mother has that word that ever since I put the Abundance mandala as a wallpaper, just gets so much on my nerves! Truly more like a realization than anything else…

With such a tone that just manifests all financial blcokages in the world in less than a yactosecond.

Transliteration: from where, an implication of scaricity and lack of abundance.


I do try to help, but I don’t live with them anymore, thankfully, but they just think I’m living with the audios in my mind lol.

I am
That and servitors. Lots of fun and mental conversations. Thanks for asking mom. :smiley:


@noname Joining the stack soon! Thanks Novak!


No problem @desiree ! Enjoy it!

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