Knowledge Thread

There’s ReVanced now + developer community discord. They almost got completely censored to smithereens


thank you for letting me know


It’s not working??

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Working fine for me.


Replying to previous privacy related post as a ‘privacy series’ thing
Things to consider, for alternatives, with an open mind. Not ‘fear mongering’ it’s a good idea to look at other viewpoints to determine what else we can do

(Picked what i could remember for now) A few Mentioned:
Incognito Bitcoin Wallet

Alternatives to ChatGPT
Collosal AI

Consider local alternatives
To take back control over your own data. You dont need to settle on trends or mainstream and think for yourself


Also let’s not forget this goldmine with various topics relating to science of physics, the universe, etc

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A redirecting addon / tool for Alternative open source, more privacy friendly front ends
Available as addon for Chrome, Firefox and Linux

just be sure you add more instances (ping to check fastest connections to add “+”) before using in case instances show errors

i dont recommend having more than 2 saved / added instances. if any errors who up, just check the settings for a different instance


Discourse of the Analyst (lacan) VS Discourse of the Master (student)

Lacan here behaves like a buddhist monk lol


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Rebels creating causes. I’ve met that “revolutionary” many times, as many others have. It always was absurd. The same type who read too many books and think they’re smarter than everyone else because of it, who have no wisdom to speak of, and it shows when juxtaposed someone who has plenty of it. I wonder if that kid ever grew up?


he became a kinda famous writer.

the main problem with rebels is, as lacan puts it, they believe on an “ideal state of society” while they’re actually serving a master beyond their own free will, which means that they’re truly alienated and not truly free to begin with.

a master that dictates how “things are supposed to be” and “how they should be”, this inevitably causes that revolutions don’t lead to an ideal society, but to a new order of things managed by a new master.

this can be exemplified by the russian revolution.

Lenin believed that after killing all the kulaks (bourgeoisie) and monarchs, the working class would rule the systems of production and economy, which would make things more equal for everyone in russia.

but the revolution only created a new form of order, ruled by a new master, the soviet political class, a new bourgeoisie, meanwhile the working class was left apart to root.

so, the question for psychoanalisis really is… “which master are you willing to serve to?”


My most recent piece of knowledge is that once you start lowering your vibrations or denying who you are to fit in, experience pleasure or for any other imaginary benefit it can be very hard to get back up and its possible to end up confused and trying to find your goal, direction or self only to end up as low vibrational version of you again and again, more and more confused each time.
Once you are guided to your spiritual path and true self do not turn your back from it, or you may forget how to be who you really are, pleasures will turn into prison, and you wont connect with those who you try to fit in with in any meaningful way either.
Its better to be alone, than to be without yourself


Capital is not an object like any other. Instead, the operation of capitalism is the (absent) background against which all sociality responds, producing a “Real” limit to the possibilities for political action.

Consequently, the reproduction of the circuit of capital can be understood as independent of any of the demands of “reality”. This conception is not strictly ahistorical, but represents the rise in a self-fulfilling and self-revolutionizing finance capital such that:

It is “real” in the precise sense of determining the structure of material social processes themselves: the fate of whole swathes of the population and sometimes whole countries can be decided by the “solipsistic” speculative dance of Capital, which pursues its goal of profitability with blessed indifference to how its movements will affect social reality. Therein lies the fundamental systematic violence of capitalism … it is no longer attributable to concrete individuals and their “evil” intentions, but is purely “objective”, systematic, anonymous.

Beyond the “structural violence” of the symbolic Real, Žižek argues that capitalism maintains a “grip” upon subjectivity through the incitement of enjoyment, which under late capitalism is not prohibited but rather demanded. These demands upon the body are a form of superego enjoyment, which Žižek suggests has become the prevalent form of contemporary enjoyment under late capitalism.

Consumerist fantasies, accompanied by the ideological fantasy of liberal democracy, present capitalism as a realm of freedom. Conversely, Žižek argues that this freedom functions only as “activity” – as opposed to the proper Lacanian Act– that presents the illusion of choice while maintaining the systematic reproduction of capitalism (TS : 374). Consequently, it is only with the radicality of the Lacanian Act that the possibility for rupture exists. Th is possibility of these radical acts is dependent upon the disruptive presence of the Real within capitalism.

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That’s a good point. As a matter of disposition, I have had a preference for capitalism ever since I was getting into Ayn Rand’s work and the Austrian school of economics in High School.

In it’s guiding principles, I think that socialism is probably more moral than capitalism because it begins with a broad concern for humanity whereas capitalism tends to begin with the notion of a personal struggle to survive (which often brings out predatory characteristics in people —Homo homini lupus est).

In it’s history, you’ll never be able to argue in favor or socialism/communism because it always tends to turn into an oligarchy that abuses it’s people lol. But, with capitalism, I don’t think it’s scot-free either. It has created a world where greater prospects have existed for a longer span of time, but it seems like many of today’s most extreme existential threats would not have been able to exist without it.

But, I think that what I quoted was good. Today’s capitalism isn’t even capitalism lol. The foundational writings on capitalism tend to emphasize individual human agency and rationality… but there are entire industries that exist now to undermine individual agency and to stunt rationality. We have a situation where the predatory tendencies of individuals in a free market have been turned around and the oligarchs (instead of beginning on-high in government positions) exist instead as heads and retired-CEOs of companies, benefiting from self-serving cybernetic feedback with monopolies and personal agreements among other billionaires and also decades of layered social-engineering and chemical toxicity.

I can’t say that I have an answer as to what should be done. The more I see of how things work, the more I see yin and yang playing out in a cycle of creation, sustenance, and destruction. Socialism might rise quickly and fall quickly, but capitalism has the same problems on a different time scale.


As Zizek points out, money serves the function of a “master signifier”, which means that it holds power on itself.

And it is a good thing that power circulates, because when it moves, no one actually has it!

The problem is accumulation of capital, and therefore power, that’s what has to be addressed by restriction policies.

Marx’s theory of political economy at least aknowledged the existence of the unconscious (power relationships), and how it plays a big part on the organization of society and economic bonds.

Modern capitalist theorists still deny that people are owned through 95% of their lives and say that if they’re poor it’s not because of structural problems, but because it’s their choice to not be CEOs (and they even naturalize that being CEO is the best thing one could be or do). I mean, why would anyone would want to be a CEO of anything lol, like it’s a natural tendency of humans or something. Can you imagine a caveman CEO? lol

This is related also to a naturalist and evolutionist hierarchical view of economics.

Not even wolves kill other wolves like humans do, they form packs and kill their leaders when they become too tyrannical.

People, on the other hand tend to idealize psychopaths and perversion because we are waaaay more twisted than animals.


The mythos of modern capitalism gets even funnier when you begin to see the scope to which it is rigged. I would say it’s not just the virtue of attaining CEO-ship, but generally the virtue of career attainment, which yes the top is CEO, but also how many people fall within your corporate hierarchy. I can be a CEO of 1 right now, but no one respects that over a CEO of thousands of minds. I wish I could remember where I read this as I won’t claim to be smart enough to have come up with it, but the point is that the highest virtue of our modern whirled is career attainment, our religion is attainment of career status. The religion of capitalism. All of life and celebration for the modern man or woman is based on how well you do or do not create capital. Are you a breadwinner? If it can’t be monetized, does it have any intrinsic value? Your virtue is your dollar value. The modern hero’s journey is entrepreneurship. We pay lip service to heroic epics of the past, to “christian” (or other religious) value, but the 501c3’s of today are just there for show, and profit. It’s easily controlled because the means by which you attain virtue is easily controlled. Politics, religion, and economics are all one thing. Church and State are seperate but both are irrelevant. The parasite(s) took over the host and bypassed the problem. You have no value to society if you have no capital, and therefore no ability to do anything in the world. You can do if you have capital, but you are controlled in what you can do, which is why it is allowed. Nothing is allowed that cannot be controlled, which means nothing real is allowed to happen. It’s a sim of a “real” functioning system, as nothing unexpected is allowed or able to happen within it. There’s nothing here to gain, because there was nothing here to gain in the first place. Be the CEO of any Fortune 500 company, it doesn’t actually exist, and your CEO pinnacle attainment of your career doesn’t actually exist either, none of it is real. You make “decisions” and “appear” to be in charge, but it’s the non-real system in place that allows for you to exist in the first place, which means you don’t exist at all. Everyone plays a fake game. Fake self-worth. Fake value, fake virtue. Ozymandias, king of nothing. No -ism will cure it. The only cure is realization of fake scarcity. This cannot be allowed to happen. Throw out Darwin, through out the “caveman” narrative. The fight for survival is a narrative created and controlled to keep the mind busy so it never has a chance to discover the prison it is in because the parasites need us busy for their existence. Their lives depend on negating the real through material means. We’ve been blinded, given heavily controlled narratives on what is possible and since we don’t know any better we follow what we’ve been told. Small pieces of Truth flash through here and there, and only those who have the height, width, and depth to See (those who have rejected the insane machine after intense suffering or other means, but mostly suffering) have a chance at understanding and leaving it behind. The joke is we fret over it, but there’s nothing actually “here.” None of it is real in any way. It was never better at one time, or worse at another. It’s always been the same, just changing based on the scope of the viewer. Consciousness ascends, the matrix expands. Consciousness decends, the matrix contracts. It breathes with the breather, sitting always just outside of perception, dynamically shifting and controting to “make sense.” The farce accommodates as needed, affording resources or bandwidth as necessary. An efficient system that does its best not to overextend itself at any one time to accomdate All within it. Those Russian nesting dolls have it right. Nothing that is Real and True actually exists. It’s simulationed false reality up and down, in and out, within and without. Freedom comes from rejecting virtue because virtue has always been and always will be nonsense to justify the current control structure. Virtue-al reality. None of it exists. The Problem can never be solved because it was designed to never be solvable, to never end. An impossible knot, an endless loop. There’s no answer to the question. There’s No Answer to the question. HAL asks, “RESPONSE: y/n” because that’s what it does. No freedom, no choice. Is it possible not to respond? Even if you do nothing, you’ve made a choice, consequences follow, and the machine keeps whirling away. Maybe the only way is nonsense, nonsensical, absurd choices that follow no logic, rhyme or reason. Logic exists, therefore is false. A logical choice is virtuous, and therefore insane on its face. To have something is to tell yourself a lie, to possess is to be like a madman who claims he can own the wind. Someone will one day monetize the weather. You will have to trade virtue for rain. One fake system built on top of another. None of its Real, but here I am, typing away. A fool is only good for as long as they remain a fool, as in never realizing they are a fool, and useless as soon as they realize they are foolish. The fool does everything Right naturally, then because of the implications of time and space, falls (un)ceremoniously off a cliff and has to fight back up the ladder because it believes the ladder and cliff exist. The fool never stopped being foolish until the world around them told them so. Why? What caused this change not to happen? Because in order for the happen to happen, it has to make you the butt of jokes. You have to fall for - to laugh, ridicule, have a purpose. If you do not fall, it doesn’t exist. No action, no consequence. Action needs to happen, currency has to flow, roads must be built, commerce must commence. Idleness has no place, no value, no virtue. To sit still is to be evil, to be still is to commit a crime. Nothingness is simply unamerican. It cannot Be. Perpetual motion machine,. The game is fake and the points don’t matter. Black iron prison. To Live is to be absurd, as existence is nonsensical. How many stones do the builders have to reject before they don’t have enough to build a wall? How many humpty-dumpties must fall before they’ve been amused enough? The stomach expands as the meal is consumed, it’s as simple as an ever-expanding stomach. Will the snake ever finish eating its own tail? I’m going to go pin down an atom. Now I’ve gotcha. To write bad is to be True, to make no sense is to be True. To have no will or aim or goal is to have no problems accomplishing everything. We are all our own unsolvable problem, impossible knot, so journeys must be undertaken, virtue must be obtained. It must not be allowed to stop. I am a CEO of 1. I win.



At the end of the day we all want power and feel powerful in some way.

Unless we are truly willing to let ourselves hang on a cross to death. But no one is lol


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