Kōritsudō 効率道 (The Path of Efficiency)

There was a day where i was exhausted after work but still wanted to exercise. Laid down and didnt do nothing. Suddenly images popped up in my head where i was exercising and i started to make a fitting plan which was efficient enough to stimulate muscle growth, easy to execute, and not whipe me out completely. Never happened before. Either i trained when i was full of energy or not at all. This was different. So yes with intentional thinking behind it, it definetely Shows first small results.

All in a few minutes of time frame, i just put fitting exercises with reps and Sets together which was optimal in terms of energy, recovery, stimulating growth and did not take too much willpower


This field is actually overpowered, too broken lmao. I should have bought this instantly when it came out!

Used it for the first time for two hours and 3 boosters from the Artemis series, I am literally gliding through tasks, it’s also my first day! I can only imagine the impact it will have for my life, this is actually pretty cheap for what you are getting.

Also what I noticed is the wiring of this field is extremely gentle, no pressure whatsoever, even with all the boosters I am using, but the way I changed and how I became 10 times more productive becomes very hard not to notice that it is from this field.

It’s also perfect if you want to get rich and have a business, I can’t emphasise how good this actually is, highly recommend!


Yeah this product could also be doing that If your brain can find solutions quickly to what bothers you. Or if you know you can solve anything that life throws at you later.


I noticed decreased anxiety


I’m about to put that to the ultimate test starting today 10x each, super pumped to see where both of these take me

Gonna start off with the Architect to set the tone and follow up with Koritsudo


I’m also doing Architect of Reality with Kōrtisudō but I added Animus Luminis Radiantem and Le Maître Du Jeux for extra Strategic Genius and also Valhalla Vail, Berserker’s Wrath and Strahl for boosting


Does anyone experienced how Kōritsudō interacts with the productivity powerhouse?

The powerhouse boosts me a lot instantly, is the effect from Kōritsudō comparable?


Well, I had very hard time with differents “antilaziness” files (resilence max+, even productivity powerhouse), this one helps well, with the feeling of being overwhelmed or stuck, uncertainty about what to do and anxiety. I hope the next days at work will prove me right about the very nice shift I had today with no overworry, and actions following each other quite seamlessly, with some natural desire to get things done around at home (cleaning). the bad feelings dont disappear but are manageable. I wish the best for all in their journey :crossed_fingers:.


And doing it seamlessly (without stress)

@Dr_Manhattan, the father of these products, what’s your recommendation among your products? I need to better myself around focus, handle stress, compartmentalization, prioritization, time management, decision making, not overthinking, do the hard things (things we don’t want to do) and handle different areas of my life.

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How’s it been going guys with this?

Haven’t kept up too much unfortunately but getting back to it with Architect, got caught up with a few things


no backdown, I still have some hardship to prioritize, but no regret. question : is there some interest for wu-wei, when we have got kuritsudo?


Yh there is.


Are there enough cognitive enhancement here that Manhattan Method would not be needed?


no, manhattan method has its uniqueness


Can’t forget about this gem of a field


I remained silent for a certain amount of times to do introspection, it was the best choice ever. I own this gem for precisely 15 days.

It changed me completely to a certain level, it forced me to realize how unorganized I was, the changes are obvious, I’m starting to wonder how the f*** was it possible to live with such chaotic habits, as if I was wounding myself literally, was it saddistic ? My life became so “easy”, days seem longer and I can do way more things with less time and energy needed than before.

Since last week I had so much things to do but somehow I was able to confront everything without mental resistance or feeling tired and be really structured about what to do, when, where and how long time can be spend on this specific task. I have so much free time now while doing more things that it becomes awkward to do whatever I want when every planned task of the day is already finished in the middle of the day.

It’s effortless to do things, to juggle between hobbies, video game time and obligations. I can do things without being interupted or if something was interupted I can go back to it with no transition or loss of focus, no noise in the background, it’s a full concentration to do what needs to be done.

One day, I had so much things to do, if it wasn’t for this field, there was so much things to do I would put myself in problems and give up on some tasks, at 100% my previous self would NEVER BE able to do a quarter of what I did this particular day, it genuinely amazed me while in bed listing everything I did and was like “wtf it’s not normal, it wasn’t annoying or tiring at all”.

There is no task paralysis anymore, when something needs to be done from what is the most important to the least imporant, I just get up and do it until everything is done but it still allows me to be flexible. My energy is spent evenly in each sphere of life.


Great review, thank you!
Much cheaper then hiring an assistant which I have thought of doing.
I can’t wait to try it!


Any coupon code is active ?

not at the moment

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