Kōritsudō 効率道 (The Path of Efficiency)

This is a bomb. I’ll have all that money in 1621 years, but it’s so obvious that it is worth it.


Good lord indeed
Good lord almighty…


My wish list keeps growing :spiral_notepad:


Woah! Xmas gift fi meeee :raised_hands:


Well, I guess it’s time to get rich


Lucky for us there is plenty tools here to get rich :shushing_face:


Can it work in synergy with Prestige and Grandeur? From what I understand, this one shapes your subconscious to embark on the best path, while Prestige forces it. Any thoughts on this?


So this is the Dream’s work ethics field + way way way way more…

unbelievable stuff


I think so, it’s not a push here. It’s conscious. It’s the realization and understanding, the perception.

There is more at play ofc but prestige and grandeur is an help to push you on your chosen way in the end.

You will know what to do.
It doesn’t force you to.
And if you really understand it, you will have a new vision for prestige and grandeur to push.


Just a suggestion, maybe a nice compliment to this field would be one that gives unstoppable physical energy. Some time ago I read a psychology paper that stated that a shared characteristic among leaders of organizations was their great vitality :muscle:t4:


Any early reviews on this one?


So far I see a circuit(s) that’s showing me a few images streamlining a set of highly productive tasks.

It’s crazy, but conceptually, you can legit “see” the productivity.

Today I saw a list of new hobbies that would propel me forward. A bunch of topics to research, and an understanding of where I lack within those topics. I saw a cloud in my brain. Showing me that I lack 90% of the knowledge I could potentially have within those specific areas. Works with CC (Conglomerate) and ALR (Animus) in an awesome way.

All someone has to do is build the confidence and self trust in their own abilities to accomplish those tasks.

A lot of times we have an idea of what to do, without the plan, leading to us being “stuck”. It propels you towards growth, and helps you mitigate the action paralysis by showing you exactly what to do, so you just do it.

Combining this with the brain boosters and Malleable ego is a great idea. It’ll require some restructuring for many of us to have faith in this self autonomy.

Also, task switching is awesome. It’s like productive ADHD. (The kind that business owners use as a cheatcode lol, to get things done.)


That’s awesome!

Do you have Wholistic wired in yet?

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Yes. I posted a lot about it last year.


Understood, I was trying to see if the “not knowing” was an aspect of wholistic or if Kōritsudō had some cross-over there.

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This awareness will be found in a couple of fields. Conglomerate, ALR, Wholistic, etc.

Any of those “realization” inducing fields do this really. Those consciousness expansion fields.

It’s a compounding thing. But Conglomerate is pretty big on the “self awareness” aspect. (Showing you what you lack, how things have impacted you, etc.)

It throws your flaws and subtle characteristics you need to work on in your face.

Compounding layers may be the best aspect of these specific brain abilities.


This field and Vox tenebris are a powerhouse btw.

I suggest people take a look at vox a little bit more to assist in the overall “span” and “scan” of productivity output.


So for me it is a banger/lifehack i got this when it came out and it pretty much makes u efficient in handling everything and also keeps you focused on the next step to take.

Any so called problem u might face this will make u able to methodically take it apart but as stated almost subconsciously and guide you to take the next best step which u then rather effortlessly can take.

What ever u wanna do it will get you there fast and efficient u will be able to find what you need to to and do it.

Even simple things as not being able to sleep, i went through all things that might help audios meditation breathing techniques instead of lying there and being pissed that i cant sleep.

It pretty much does exactly what it says lol

I make you efficient at handleing your thought emotions and actions.

This and actually the whole description is facts:

  • Kōritsudō subtly enhances every aspect of your life, making it easier and more harmonious.

I rest my case


Gangster lol. :muscle:


Can you please elaborate on this and what you mean here?

In the “productivity community” they all agree that task switching is bad for efficiency, because everytime you switch tasks, cognitive capacity is lost when a context switch occurs.

In my personal experience, task switching only works with simple tasks.
But tasks that require deep thinking also require full focus.
Anything that requires really deep thinking, you need to have full focus, thus you cannot be switching from task to task all the time.

The more complex the task, the more conscious RAM your brain needs to use for it.
So when you switch tasks, you are constantly loading data up and down into your conscious RAM, leading to a loss in efficiency.

You expand the amount of available conscious RAM and processing capacity, but regardless of this, switching tasks would always lead to a decline in efficiency.

That’s also what all those business gurus and neuro podcasters say btw.