Kōritsudō 効率道 (The Path of Efficiency)

It’s not about task switching back and forth every 5 seconds, eventually you will need to switch tasks.

Let’s say you go deep for 1 hour. After that you will need to switch. This is enhanced, the transition.
It’s not a multitasking thing.

There is a lot of loss between tasks, that space in-between no matter how deep or long you go on one task.


Okay, thanks for clarification. I was confused because Jojo used the term “productive ADHD”, which I associated with switching tasks every 1 to 5 minutes…


I must have stated the word itself wrong (task switching), in a way that I understood it from experience rather than by true definition.

It’s the ability to focus on one thing, process it, break it down, have immediate output, and then go right into the next task, with efficiency.

I referred to productive adhd because many with ADHD have this skill, it’s not the lost focus and the information drop-off type of ADHD incapabilities that are derived from a lack of attention span. It’s the hyperfocus or “the flow” that many famous ADHDers are capable of entering into when they truly care about something. They’ll master tons of aspects of something, then move to another aspect, and master more aspects, and keep going in a flow (From experience).

It’s the type of brain functioning that makes some businesses seek out ADHDers for sales jobs. You ignore distractions and you’re honed in, benefiting you rather than hurting you in production.

They say 20% to 29% of business owners have ADHD. It can be used as a benefit if someone has complete autonomy over their dopamine. With this, you have more mental control over where your attention flows, but you also can move on when necessary. While also having those deep focus aspects.

ADHDers are bad at multitasking and focus, this field keeps the things you need to accomplish at bay, they’re easily findable and the steps are layered for you. So you get the good aspects of hyperfocus, without the negatives of inability to swap to different tasks. It takes away the action paralysis (adhders have this), and it also helps you plan (Something adhders are notoriously known for being bad at.) instead of getting caught up on one thing, and scrambling over it. It helps you finish the chosen topic, and then continue to the next one with energy.

I said the wrong words but this is what I was getting at. Like the good traits, without the bad.


Weird thing. I did have the exact grasp of the first two but third always came through trial and error. This is a gane changer for sure.


Hi guys - for those of you who have had this field for a while, I would love to hear your thoughts. This one seems like a banger and is definitely on my wish list :slight_smile:


Interested in this. Does this also have the “push” that is similar to ProActive Brain?

So I know what and how to do, does the field also push me to do those things? If not, i’ll continue to use Proactive Brain, but would be cool to hit 2 birds 1 stone.



I haven’t used this as much as I should since my focus is on other fields right now but what I will say is that when I loop this

I like effortlessly speed-run my tasks, I know exactly what I have to do, and I’m not pulled/distracted to other things it’s like true focus… but even if I do step away for a moment I can get back to work with no buffer, just right back into flow.

Things get done, especially things that i’ve been putting off, I suddenly think about them and realize how quick and easy it would be to just complete it now instead of keeping the mental baggage of an unfinished task in the back of my mind.

Everything can get done, with ease, the only limit is time itself.


I’m curious what the implications of this would be for sport?


Seems like I found my new life motto


Any intersting testimonials after using this field?


This makes me think of something referred to as the flow state.
How everything is done seamlessly, with a lot of effort yet with none at the same time. I think everyone has experienced this state at some point, but to be able to be in it 24/7 would be hacks in the world we live in.


Getting this bad boy in week will spam it 2 hours with black Martian jing everyday.


I have found this field to be very, very valuable.

I find myself reaching my intentions much more easily, almost automatically. I am much more efficient in my life listening to this field.

I strongly recommend this field.


Just got the field, can’t wait to see its effects

Let’s get kill them goals people


Exactly what it is :muscle:t4:

Now I understand the implications this field can have on one’s life, what a field it is really, and it’s been less than 2 days since having it

This basically is the “advanced” version of Best Path, more brain based/subconscious based


would this help me find my purpose in life? or would it be better to find my purpose first then get this?

right now im just coasting through life. working dead end up job, exercisin and readin


I’d think so, it puts your brain on the best path

Maybe @Dr_Manhattan can answer your question


Great review. Does it also give you a push of motivation to get there similar to proactive brain, or just show you the path?

Genuinely interested in getting this.


I guess this? Not too sure man, just gotta go with the flow honestly


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The Arkane Potion of Awakening!