**Kratos Redux
- Sapien shop?**
All in favor of the supreme Kratos field item please like this post so it can be kenspeckle topic on this forum.
KRATOS COMING SOON #bladesofchaos #spartanrage #ghostofsparta #justice
**Kratos Redux
All in favor of the supreme Kratos field item please like this post so it can be kenspeckle topic on this forum.
KRATOS COMING SOON #bladesofchaos #spartanrage #ghostofsparta #justice
We’ll be the first to buy haha
Kratos first rather than Achilles…?
My heart is broken…
what did Achilles do tho, not so knowledgable in greek mythology
Dont speak to me again.
got you
Kratos is cool I guess, but I never played those games so don’t know much about him.
On the other hand, Achilles has always had a special place in my heart. Plus, he may have actually lived, and even if not, the accumulation of emotional energy poured into his mythos over the millennia no doubt eclipses whatever people have felt for Kratos, so I would think there is more to be accessed there.
Edit: And if you want a Spartan, how about King Leonidas?
That one is both beautiful and features a field that is sadly missing from audio right now (lucid dreaming). That would definitely be my first purchase if I was buying any of these.
Haha I made one for Achilles man ^^
You triggered my spiritual rages again mannnn
But seriously that looks amazing, Dream make it
cries while cursing 21st century
@Samurai Go postal!!! #youwanttobecomethegreatestwarrior? #morphicexcitementcatarolysis #achillesexcitementlalochezia
Vofreude to Dream making this dream a reality! #REIFY
And you’ll lose all hairs in one day lol
pilgaarlic progrebin is for the ambsace genetics who have DHT sensitivity.
only then will you be atrichiate