Kubera's Blessing Revisited

Kubera’s Blessing (Revisited)


The Enchanted Journey:

In the town of Vasundhara, young Aarav, known for his adventurous spirit, set out to find the hidden cave of Kubera, the God of Wealth. Guided by a golden feather given by a wise hermit named Rishi, Aarav braved treacherous paths in the Himalayas.

After a perilous journey, Aarav found the cave filled with gold, jewels, and a magnificent statue of Kubera. The statue spoke, revealing that true wealth is not just material but lies in wisdom, kindness, and the joy of giving.

Aarav returned home, sharing his newfound knowledge and treasures with his town, spreading prosperity and happiness. His adventure became a legend, teaching that the real magic of Kubera is the wealth of the heart and spirit.

Kubera’s forte is unexpected wealth.

Contains Homa and Boon - use as needed, 2-3 times is good for both


Omg this sounds excellent! I cant wait to buy it


Dream, you’re on another bout of inspiration I see and I’m so happy. Can’t wait to use these tomorrow. Thank you!


I like the art design. Definitely gonna save it for future buying someday :joy: wish me luck


OMG !! Kubera’s blessings ?? This is truly HUGE !! He is the head of Yakshas. Yakshas are nature spirits who own, control & protect all the forms of material wealth on earth like Gold , gems, underground treasures etc etc. Being the head of the Yakshas, Kubera is the owner of all forms of material wealth on this planet. So getting his blessings will be a lifetime jackpot :heart_eyes::pray::pray::pray::fire::fire::fire:


Kubera (Sanskrit: कुबेर) also known as Kuvera , Kuber or Kuberan , is the god of wealth and the god-king of the semi-divine Yakshas in Hindu culture.[1] He is regarded as the regent of the North (Dik-pala ), and a protector of the world (Lokapala ). His many epithets extol him as the overlord of numerous semi-divine species and the owner of the treasures of the world. Kubera is often depicted with a plump body, adorned with jewels, and carrying a money-pot and a club.


I love this storytelling format! Feels exciting and magical. Brings me back to those Choose-Your-Adventure books or computer games.


This is not my area of expertise, so I’m asking you guys. Will this help you with luck and make things magically go your way and financial protection especially with debt?

I’m strongly considering buying this and make it one of my main daily audios if it can help me with that.


The shopping list is on fire, again
So I did well to buy Capital Governance


Appreciate the little story Captain :walking_man:

A new step up in your work seems to be currently happening :pray::heart:


As for now Barry give you instant smile


Yeah, he does give it indeed


Did some research and just bought it. The timing of this field in amazing. Exactly at the right time I needed it! Thanks Dream!

There’s a glitch on Dream’s Gumroad page with Paypal. You need to put what you want in the shopping cart and then go to another Gumroad seller page in order for the Paypal option to appear.


LMAO…my name is Barry. Dying right now. The fact you posted this here is even more of a confirmation of good luck coming my way. Thanks. Sweet post. :pray:


Haha the synchronicity :joy:
Enjoy man, and happy belated birthday (glimpsed that in the threads)


Thank you very much. :pray:


curiosity, what is this?

1 Like

XD oh wow



Kubera is one of the most richest energy in the world… He is the guardian of wealth n fortune .

just buy the Kubera and see miracle along the pathway as you walk…

I love Kubera…This is Kubera…


Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Shreem Kleem Vitteshvaraya Namaha

Oh Kubera. Hes very powerful guys, his equivalent in Catholicism is Uriel Archangel, they can bring you lots of wealth and prosperity breaking through ANY obstacle in the way to that.

But… you gotta be well deserved of it all
You gotta be in great terms with Shiva/God
You must be consistently working towards your goals
You must not be “stealing” in any way or form and that includes, stealing energy, harmony, tranquility, peace etc

The more on the good side of Shiva you are the faster and more wealth they bring to you.

And its an every day task.

You could be getting their benefits but you slip away with something the benefits stop until you create momentum again and show that you again deserve it.

So the fact that Mr Captain has brought his energy and vibration to us means that the Gods have approved the help he wants to bring upon our lives, that theres a level of trust and commitment felt among us so we can rip the benefits.

Im pretty sure unless Captain corrects me :wink: this audio will not just give you Kubera’s blessing but help you align you to the core values of someone who’s merits are the key to open the flow of abundance.