Kubera's Blessing Revisited

Yes although i dont think its needed and thats my point if Captain gave us this it has the protection and blessing after all.

Just like when he makes sure there wouldnt be side effects using so and so audio for health that otherwise would cause something with the real medicine.

But yes sure listening to essence of mantras or holy alchemy etc could enhance the process.


I was referring especially to these two points

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Yes but then i said…


There’s a hot tip in the description:

perhaps also help someone in need and then let the energies do what they are supposed to do

If you’re stuck energetically with regards to abundance, give to others, that gets the flow going.


Exactly :muscle:
But often not in the form we expect abundance to be.

Speaking of which, looking forward to rip the benefits of that flow (and capital Governance) so I can afford thit beauty :stuck_out_tongue:


Kubera, a Yaksha (a category of demigods) is very popular in India and other Asian countries.

  • He is the guardian of one of the eight cardinal directions - North. He is invoked for protection in the north before all rituals.
  • He is associated with Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth, and is said to be one of her attendants, who holds the power to bring wealth and fortune.
  • His forte is “unexplained, sudden” wealth and luck - like lotteries, inheritance, finding treasure, etc. In fact, he is specifically invoked for the purpose of finding hidden treasures.
  • He is also a confidant and devotee of Shiva and is said to bless devotees of Shiva with wealth.
  • The myths talk of Kubera possessing Pushpaka Vimana, a flying vehicle that expands and contracts to fit as many people as need be, and also, when in this vehicle, there is no death or decay (hmmmm!)

  • In the school of Goddess-centric Tantra, Kubera is one of the 12 main teachers and taught his own school of Goddess-centric Tantra, which is lost today (though the mantra as revealed by the Goddess to Kubera is preserved, the lineage is lost).

Kubera was certainly a Vedic deity, who was also adopted by the Buddhists as Jambhala, a Bodhisattva who grants wealth and prosperity.


I was waiting for you :+1:

Could you tell what being “ready to do the yagna” means ?
Should we perform something, align with that deity ? Maybe I missed something.


I think, Captain here is alluding to attitude and actions on our part, that will be conducive to channeling the blessings from this Yagna (Captain can correct me). Like for example, “get out and use relevant opportunities” to experience the benefits of Social Mastery tag…

Yagna, technically, is a ritual. While the ritual itself has its inherent field of energy, how powerful or successful it is, depends on the personal energy, frame of mind, vibratory state, etc. of the performer.




Who among the lay people is willing to take the risk and see if this gets manifested? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Looking forward to seeing some updates :crossed_fingers:

We all do :grin:
Thanks Mao :pray:

Hence the last sentence in the description it feels.
If you give and share those energies, those hidden treasures shall manifest for all the parties :innocent:


Who knows if you mean how to play the field in the presence of others, or set intentions towards other people while it plays?


Thank you!

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I love these your words! thanks!


I have a question. I bought this (early Birthday present to myself!). It comes with 2 audios:
1 Kubera Homa (11:53)
2 Kubera Boons (10:36)

When I play this 2 times do I play this:
A) Kubera Homa, Kubera Homa, Kubera Boons, Kubera Boons
B) Kubera Homa, Kobera Boons, Kubera Homa, Kubera Boons

I want to be respectful and do it correctly. Someone who knows for certain please answer. Thank you.


homa by itself
boons after by itself


Thank you Dream.


who’s buying this and a plane ticket to Vegas?:joy::joy::joy:


Captain, thank you. Users and people who appreciate and love you very much from the eastern regions of Europe have appreciated the picture of this field… :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Thanks for the hint :slightly_smiling_face:


If you buy this, do you still need the Yagna series?

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Its not that you need them but this one here is more specifically for money blessings, the others cover wider aspects, so they can compliment