Kundalini syndrome

Hello, everyone. I need advicešŸ˜¬
Are there any audios that would help with Kundalini syndrome? Iā€™ve been suffering horribly for over a month from painful blockages (which Iā€™m hoping are mostly cleared) and generally feeling like shĀ”t. No bliss whatsoever yet for me. I just canā€™t take being laid up feeling unwell any longer. The awakening was totally unintentional for me as I had no interest in doing so and honestly didnā€™t know much at all about it.



I would try a lot of the grounding one



Will do. Thanks



Ask them for help ā€¦ :blush:


Oh believe me I haveā€‹:100::smirk:


Energy blockage remover audio should help in letting the energy flow freely


Yoga and meditation


I use that quite a lot


Sorry to hear about this Wendy :frowning:. Iā€™m not sure but it seems like a bad idea to add more energy to your system now, regardless of people having good results with fields. This is from previous personal experience with psychosis/mental illness many years ago. Release energy, go for walks in nature if you can, perhaps swimmingā€¦ avoid caffeine and other stimulantsā€¦


Hi Wendy,

Would highly recommend the following website.


Should everything and more you need.





Hi @Wendy, you could check out this site http://www.padmacahaya.org/reiki-tummo/instant-safe-kundalini-awakening , you can get three levels of activations, level one clears up the whole sushumna and all chakra blocks and opens up the crown chakra so that if your kundalini already is awakend then now it will flow freely out of your crown chakra so that pretty much all of the kundalini syndromes will go away. I can also highly recommend getting an EoE Vogel pendant from https://soonyata.home.xs4all.nl/EoE/vogel.html that will also open up the crown chakra and help the kundalini energy flow out.
Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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Thank youšŸ˜Š

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This is a simple but great grounding meditation that many people with Kundalini related issues find help fromā€¦ If you have inclination toward any form of the Divine - such as god/God/gods etc., address this sentient energy as your chosen Divinity and Kundalini will respond accordingly - no more as an impersonal force, but the personification of Divinity, with whatever attributes you ascribe to that conception of the Divine. Treat her as the Mother Energy or Gaia and she responds back with love and compassion. A lot of times, the distress is not because of the energy, but the inability of the system to handle her awakening - and when the force is personified and made personable, she adjusts her intensity to what is bearable at this moment.

Hope it helps.


Thank you!

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I had kundalini syndrome years ago from trying to focus too much on energy work (lots of reiki, other energy healing, meditation, etc) and 3rd eye chakra. I though all this stuff was helping but actually it was making everything worse.
In the end I often had anxiety, trouble falling asleep at all, headaches, extreme bloating, had to have 6-7 coffes just to not faint, and I often threw up after eating, even simple foods like oats cooked in waterā€¦

What helped me was finally to stop the energy work and focus back to more material things. After a short break, I started only working with lower chakras, and it balanced things out tremendously. These days it is hard to believe that the girl getting up at 3am to do things around the house because ā€œfalling asleep is hopeless anywayā€ was me 5 years ago :)

I agree with the person suggesting to go for walk, do sport, do grounding audio. If you do any kundalini or 3rd eye work, stop it temporarily. I would even suggest to pause or reduce meditation.

Do things aligned more with lower chakras, especially root chakra - when I started balancing it out energetically, I had a few months span of intuitively eating a lot of meat (I eat normally maybe 1x a month when Iā€™m out) and started Thai boxing for a short while :D in retrospect I see the parallel.


Thank you! Hearing others experiences really helps, especially when Iā€™m feeling so overwhelmed.
I just want my body backšŸ˜­ I feel the energy especially in my head so strongly and as you know it can make you feel like crap. But thankfully the temperature outside is cooling down so I can spend more time outsideā€¦