Landing On Mars

Are you going to tell them or shall I :wink: :smirk: :crazy_face:


Tell them what?


I read that there are E.Ts in form of reptilians and greys

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I think what angelblessings wants to say is that landing on Mars is fake. As everything NASA has said lol Itā€™s just conspiracy theories, but Iā€™ll elaborate a bit in case anyone is interested.
The thing is that, according to those theories, we cannot get out of earth. You know, the universe is all frequency and vibration and it is composed in dimensions. Planet earth belongs in the 3rd dimension that we perceive as physical thanks to our 5 senses. We cannot get out of the 3rd dimension while incarnated, at least physically. It is possible to travel outside the earth of course but with the astral body, thatā€™s why, if we look at the things from that point of view, everything NASA has done doesnā€™t make so much sense, does it?. Same way, aliens canā€™t enter the earth physically. We can have contact with them of course, even Dream has made this accesible with the intercession fields, but they canā€™t be made physically visible to our human senses.

The truth?, wish Iā€™d knew.


Numerous satellites are out of the earth from long back , and mission to mars is not new

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Thatā€™s what they have told us reallyā€¦ :upside_down_face: I honestly donā€™t know. Itā€™s not even my opinion. But itā€™s nice to see things from all viewpoint.


its real satellites are out of earth , its proven


It isnt fake lol. What she meant is that we are already living on mars, lol.

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Lol, so all that money, training, universities, satellites, space station is fake ?

What did they gain ?
What about the satellites and star link sht you see in the sky ? All that military funding ?
Is the sky a giant super HD OLED screen ?
What about all the stuff they learned through the space programs that serves us everydayā€¦

Did they trash the oceans with rocket boosters and then spent even more money cleaning it. Did they kill theses astronauts for nothing or were they in it tooā€¦
So their plan to clean space from rocket debris is just a way to embezzle tax money :scream:
All these illness, physical training and symptoms rising from spending too much time in space is also a lie.

Are ICB missiles fake too ?
I thought they were hiding their space tech :man_shrugging:

I see big space companies with billions of funding by Ā« public Ā» investors expecting a return, big hangars, rockets, staff, metals, cablesā€¦ dude, talk about going the extra mile to sell a lie. All the countries participate.

Can anyone buss me a paper or book about why human bodies canā€™t move through space ? The mechanics of the limitations, what happens when one tries to cross (symptoms, consequences) and at which altitude + the reason why they lied

Where did theses rockets and crew that took off go ? Did they use a parachute later to land on a secret island then pretend that they were stuck in space, about to die. Their families cried (or faked it), then they burned the thermic shield with a flamethrower and dropped the shuttles from an helicopter into the sea so that they navy and cameras can pick them up ?

Apparently weā€™re not in shortage of some ressources like I thought since they can waste them like that

Thatā€™s what people go with
PS: I replied to you, but I know youā€™re not backing those claims :+1:t2:


What do you think dimension is?

And just so you see Iā€™m not just provocating you, Iā€™ll tell you my answer - dimension is the number of variables in a function.
We sense space as 3 dimensional, and there is a 4th dimension we sort of sense but not spacially - itā€™s time.
I know that in physics, as they try to describe reality, another variables have been added to the function. I think they have ā€œidentifiedā€ i.e. made up for modelling purposes 12 (? Or at least 10) dimensions.

But none of this would mean you ā€œcanā€™t get off of earthā€. There is 3 dimensional space as well on Jupiter and sirius B too. šŸ¤·


We canā€™t get past the Van Allen Belts to colonise other planets due to how dangerously strong the radiation is.

Certain extraterrestrials for instance like the reptoids species (within the Thuban homeworld of the Alpha Draconis constellation) are multidimensional advanced beings that traverse through a gateway called the Alwaid in to our universe.

Materialist technology is not the answer or solution to thisā€¦ itā€™s consciousness/vibrational advancement.


Thought you might be interested in this. It certainly supports the position that the Van Allen belts are very dangerous and describes the work-around NASA used.

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