Greetings from Sydney, Australia! Thanks to everyone on the forum who has been so positive and generous with their thoughts and their time. It is my pleasure to join and I look forward to learning a great deal. I have been reading some of the threads here over the last few days since joining. This forum and the community here remind me of the earlier days of the internet, before the poison of social media corrupted discourse and elevated lowest common denominator thinking and behaviour. You can almost trace the degradation of language and social interaction to the time when ‘140 characters or less’ was introduced. As you can tell, it takes me more than 140 characters just to say ‘hello’
I am very new to the whole Sapien Medicine arena. I don’t really know where it begins and ends, there seems to be other titles or related channels (Dream Seeds comes to mind) and I really look forward to learning more, and although it has been said that, “There are no stupid questions,” I will endeavour not to bother you with any and will look before I leap (read before I ask).
So how did I get here? I have an inner knowing that there exists some sort of tech to enhance learning ability, there’s any number of readily available systems that purport to be able to assist, however for one reason or another, they have not been what I have been looking for. Ostensibly I am seeking to integrate all my knowledge of the Italian language and ultimately I probably need cultural immersion and to just move to Italy and use the language exclusively.
I will not be the only person on this forum who likes jumping down rabbit holes and some may remember this interview:
Super Soldier Talk – Johan Fritz SSP in Person Interview
The reason I mention it is that in this interview, there is talk of a mind interface technology which allows almost immediate comprehension of languages that have not been learned, rather they are somehow downloaded into the brain. In searching for technologies along these lines, I stumbled across “Permanent Brain Enhancement” and the ‘language learning/understanding’ phrase in the description, and keeping an open mind, decided to listen and take a look around. While typing this, I see other language learning threads being suggested in a very handy suggestion box on the right of this text field, thanks for this helpful feature, I will check them out.
Anyway, there’s always more to be said, but for right now, I have to read some more threads and get up to speed on the basics, like the best way to create a stack on iPhone and so on. Looking forward to jumping in the deep end.
Thanks everyone, take it easy!