Language learning, short intro and thanks

Greetings from Sydney, Australia! Thanks to everyone on the forum who has been so positive and generous with their thoughts and their time. It is my pleasure to join and I look forward to learning a great deal. I have been reading some of the threads here over the last few days since joining. This forum and the community here remind me of the earlier days of the internet, before the poison of social media corrupted discourse and elevated lowest common denominator thinking and behaviour. You can almost trace the degradation of language and social interaction to the time when ‘140 characters or less’ was introduced. As you can tell, it takes me more than 140 characters just to say ‘hello’ :wink:

I am very new to the whole Sapien Medicine arena. I don’t really know where it begins and ends, there seems to be other titles or related channels (Dream Seeds comes to mind) and I really look forward to learning more, and although it has been said that, “There are no stupid questions,” I will endeavour not to bother you with any and will look before I leap (read before I ask).

So how did I get here? I have an inner knowing that there exists some sort of tech to enhance learning ability, there’s any number of readily available systems that purport to be able to assist, however for one reason or another, they have not been what I have been looking for. Ostensibly I am seeking to integrate all my knowledge of the Italian language and ultimately I probably need cultural immersion and to just move to Italy and use the language exclusively.

I will not be the only person on this forum who likes jumping down rabbit holes and some may remember this interview:

Super Soldier Talk – Johan Fritz SSP in Person Interview

The reason I mention it is that in this interview, there is talk of a mind interface technology which allows almost immediate comprehension of languages that have not been learned, rather they are somehow downloaded into the brain. In searching for technologies along these lines, I stumbled across “Permanent Brain Enhancement” and the ‘language learning/understanding’ phrase in the description, and keeping an open mind, decided to listen and take a look around. While typing this, I see other language learning threads being suggested in a very handy suggestion box on the right of this text field, thanks for this helpful feature, I will check them out.

Anyway, there’s always more to be said, but for right now, I have to read some more threads and get up to speed on the basics, like the best way to create a stack on iPhone and so on. Looking forward to jumping in the deep end.

Thanks everyone, take it easy!



Welcome !


Thank you for the detailed but still concise introduction- welcome!

I believe the field permanent brain enhancement (might be on YouTube but definitely on patreon) focuses on Wernicke and Broca areas of the brain, that may be a good place to start.

There are many brain fields that can prove helpful to you. Manhattan Method, Key to Babel, Snapping Synapses, Brain Game, and many more. As you’ve said you will be doing a lot of reading up in the threads (which is such a valuable experience, the wealth of knowledge on the threads is something I appreciate every day and lean on whenever I have a question these days).

Best of luck with your language immersion journey and see you around :star2:


Thanks very much for the warm welcome folks, very much appreciated!



Hi @OleOle welcome to our awesome Forum :smiley:


Hi, @OleOle!

I think you have wandered into the right place :slight_smile:

Welcome Fairy 2

Try here first: Dr_Manhattan's Index

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Enjoy! :slight_smile:


No, You’re Not the only one who likes jumping down rabbit holes. :grin:

Thanks for the link.

These are some Great things/hobbies/passions You Got, as I’m quite the fan of (learning) Languages too, although I’ve had not quite the success [ know English, not fluently - I would say, and I’m struggling with learning German (heck, I don’t allocate nearly enough time to learn it) and in the past I’ve tried Spanish and French; due to my first language being Romanian, I find the Latin/Romance Family of languages to be Far Easier to Learn, but somehow I never truly persevered with those, not enough anyway, and now I’m back to the basics or even lower lol] And I Love Italy, I’m quite the admirer of Rome, it’s History, Especially it’s Colossal Republic, Empire and it’s Never ending Legacy, including the Melodious and Beautiful Italian Language.

And now that I’ve said more things about me :joy: than focusing on what you said, I have to end this reply with this:

Welcome! :pray:


Thanks very much again for the awesome welcome to the forum, it really is sincerely appreciated and greatly respected.

Did anyone get the chance to look at that video interview I linked in the opening post? Well, please feel free to share any comments or thoughts that you might have. I listened to it again last night, the first time since it was uploaded a couple of years ago and there was even more valuable information on a number of topics in there than I thought. I’ve been a ‘crystal kid’ for many years and was pleased to see the Sapien videos on a number of stones and minerals, so I was surprised that when I listened to the video a few times when the interview was first released that I did not even pick up on the comment about ‘Cintimani stones’ (sometimes written Chinitimani or Citimani, different spellings are used).

I suppose the reason I mention this is that many of us here will have listened to the Sapien audio called ‘Moldavite’ and know it is a green translucent stone which is a powerful spiritual activator and if anyone has come across a piece of Moldavite or been around it for any length of time, they will no doubt have their own distinct personal impressions.

This is where the rabbit hole deepens… the Cintimani stone that was presented to Nicholas and Helena Roerich by the ascended master in Paris around 100 years ago was green. Unmistakable. It was recorded in their writings as green and also in their paintings as green, and the power of the stone was construed as overwhelming positive. Yet today, Cintimani stone is known as a black stone, sometimes people refer to it as Saffordite, sometimes Colombianite and occassionally, Agni Manite. There are similarities between all these black stones and all of them, like Moldavite, have controversy surrounding them as to where they exactly came from. Are they ‘true meteorites’, or some sort of impact glass which formed a ‘strew field’? The debate will no doubt continue.

Nevertheless, Moldavite is green and the others are black, so from the time the Roerichs received the ‘green Cintimani’, there has been some type of corruption of what exactly a Cintimani stone is (or was). Why is this relevant? It is relevant as the positive spiritual activating qualities of Moldavite which seemingly was originally known as Cintimani has been usurped by various black meteorites, some of which are supposedly far less benign and perhaps allegedly contaminated with ‘black goo’, supposedly a type of sentient AI from a galaxy far, far away. Incredible? Yes. Impossible? I have no idea.

It’s all pretty fringe anyway, who can really say and unless you have actively or passively used stones over a period of time, much of this experiential information is hard to convey in language. There’s always more to the story however this introductory thread is probably not the right place for it, but for whatever reason I felt compelled to share this information… maybe as a signpost for future seekers? Who knows?

Anyway, thanks very much to everyone for their very warm welcome :pray:


Nicholas Roerich - Wikipedia (please use caution with this source, it is still being re-edited, much of the White House association with the Roerichs information has been removed). (official Roerich Museum page, take a look at the artwork) (page partially visible, but adds quick background information on Moldavite)

The Cintamani Stone - A Truly Powerful Gem or a Humble Philosophy? | Ancient Origins (generic mainstream background)

Cintamani - Wikipedia (mostly obfuscation, a few interesting historical connections) (more mainstream background, religious cross-cultural information)

The Cintamani Stone - A Truly Powerful Gem or a Humble Philosophy? - Tibetan Buddhist Encyclopedia (shares breadth of the story, some esoteric pathways)

James Casbolt MI6 - Buried Alive : James Casbolt/Michael Prince : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive (I could be wrong, but I believe black goo was also mentioned in this short work, specifically in connection with the Falkland Islands. Worth a read) (The James Casbolt material on video, for those who prefer to watch or multitask)


I have loved the paintings of Roerich for awhile now. In fact I think I used this one as my avatar when I first joined the forum.

Also Sapien had a Moldavite tag a few years back. Occasionally you can still find one for sale in the NFT sales thread or in the Classifieds

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Thanks Rosechalice. That really is a great image, I don’t think I have seen that one before, so multilayered, very evocative. Like the Empress in Tarot somehow, looking through her veil with her third eye.

Although rather straightforward as an image, this is the one for me that seems to trigger some type of past life or parallel knowing, ‘Path to Shambhala’:

The Path to Shambhala by Nicholas Roerich

And thanks also for the links to the Moldavite tags and other information. There’s more information on Moldavite and its effects here than I have seen almost anywhere. It’s so good to read other people’s reactions and how it is helping (or challenging) them and also, I have to say, the information and experiences are much more objectified and relatable than the two published books (original and updated) by R. Simmons. Now… if only I could work how how a non-fungible token manages to get some type of field around it… still climbing that learning curve, lol! It’s good to be newb, keeps you humble.

Generic thanks to everyone on the forum once again, I am really enjoying reading and learning from all your posts. Thanks very much indeed!
