Last update about trying to reverse any changes I have done and regretted and final message

Thank you this answer is much detailed.

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Yes itā€™s true that there are people who can interact it energies that way but Iā€™m sure that you know like me Itā€™s difficult to divide the scammers from good people. Still I think someday if I find one I will try but there are much things to remember and try. For now I will leave things to time it made me feel my mind alive at least, before it was dead like I said.

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While there are some other members whom create their own threads to indicate how superior they are or there are some other members whom advertise their products while we donā€™t know who they are, please donā€™t be strict on this person. Now this person with so many problems has created his own thread. This thread could be at least considered as a record so new members who join this community in the future wonā€™t make the same mistakes.

@fool_of_a_man I hope you get better soon however Iā€™d like to tell you that all of us consider
our feelings and health condition whenever we listen to a certain field. For example I had listened to the first version of anticancer for 4 months, but I decided to not continue listening to this field because the sound of explosion really bothered me as I was born at war era. However this field was so useful for many others. I myself have received many recommendations, Iā€™ve asked some questions in contrast. Iā€™ve received the answer of part of my questions and in contrast some of my questions were unanswered. So when Iā€™m not certain about using a field I wonā€™t listen to that field or I wonā€™t invest money on buying that field. I simply put it for another time, maybe in the future I buy X or Y fields. So when you have doubts about using a field simply donā€™t choose it.

And please be fair. Captain himself already had sent you a long message. :point_down:

Listen I know you seem to believe other things
but these fields affect your body, by chemical and biological process.
to state that I should make a field to clear results, means that you think there is some other effect taking place. If you slice open your arm, and it heals, you will likely bare the effects of that. You can help reduce the effects with something to diminish scar tissue perhaps, but a lot of the effects will remain.
Do you understand my logic?
I donā€™t understand how you wish to make a all encompassing field to revert your body in multiple cellular ways to another function.
What exactly is the problem and how do you wish to treat it.
That is what you need to focus on. Not this idea you think is going on.
These arenā€™t subliminals not ā€˜programmed energyā€™
It is direct processes inside your body.
That is the truth of it.
Not who believes in angels or aliens and if that is rubbish or not.
(from your deleted posts)
You keep asking this over and over without any idea of the process but something else that you think is happening.

Any way, please donā€™t live with a feeling that you are a victim. Look at the meaning of your account name. Youā€™re not even fair with yourself. You are more powerful than what you think and this is not the end. Read this book ā€œbecoming supernatualā€ by Joe Dispenza. If you donā€™t want to listen to any other morphic fields or subliminals, you should try to find other solutions for this problem. Each one of us have our own issues. I donā€™t have peace of mind at my own house let alone at my country and few days ago I was crying because of misbehavior of my doctor. So should I kill myself or stop trying to help myself? Please stand on your own feet and never lose your hope.


Hello , how can I make sure I do not over listen audios ? I already listen to 14 daily (about 5 each) some of them

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Just listen to your own body.
Sammy already gave an answer in this thread, here:

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