Learning about God Consciousness


  1. Is “God Consciousness” some kind of a worthy principle to be practiced?
  2. Is it achievable by an average person?
  3. Does it go by any other names?
  4. Any good resource to read more about it? (book, video, article)

I’ve been on a journey lately learning about detachment which lead to non-attachment and then to wu wei to what I lately discovered to be described as God Consciousness.

I quickly figured the information around it is ambiguous (from different sources). I am also not sure if it really is something or just a cool name to describe another concept like being in the present moment or just being the observer. Or if its more than that.

Well I do understand what they are trying to describe but does it really exist? Or is it just the momentum of the experience of being present and being an observer of your reality?

If it does exist, is it achievable for an average person? Or you need to be a serious practitioner or a monk on a mountain to experience something like that?

First mention I found about it is on this paragraph paragraph on a document mentioning God Consciousness:

The whole document if you like to read more, what I screenshot is at the bottom of page 2.

I practiced this concept for some days now. I can’t get the feeling or experience it. I know when I get the feeling I will be able to practice it far better. For now every time I practice what the author describes I feel I get away from really embodying it. Each time it becomes more unfamiliar. And it seems weird.

I searched on various platforms, on google, youtube, other forums and I cannot find something which describes it clearly. And some times I find different concepts described as “god consciousness”.

I am trying to find another source which describes it differently, someone who delivers the information differently so that I can grasp it. Any idea if its called something else or any resource which explains it in depth?


What you described reminded me a book I’ve read long ago. I found it very insightful so maybe it will help you grasp what you seek. “The power of now” (I think this is the tittle in English) from Eckhart Tolle


[quotRealise=“morph, post:1, topic:77291”]
Is “God Consciousness” some kind of a worthy principle to be practiced?

God Consciousness is the Consciousness of God (or Source or whatever you want to call the infinite intelligence, omniscient and omnipotent that created everything).
Our normal evolution is to reach that level, of recognising the God Consciousness in each of us , ( = our Higher Self, or Atman, the divine intelligent spark, part of God, that we really are).
Achieving that, is called moksha, or the final Liberation, and it can take place while we are still in a physical body (becoming a jivanmukta), after we evolved and gained understanding during lots of lives.
The difference between before and after moksha is sufference, so reaching the God Consciousness level of evolution is definitely worth it…
Each one of us takes his own decisions regarding the rythm in which he reaches this level of consciousness and the things we want to experiment during the long journey to this Blissful state.


Eckhart Tolle on this book talks about the present moment awareness right?


Indeed. @morph


If this is considered off topic, moderators, please move it to an appropriate thread. Thank You.

Are there souls who “never” reach God Consciousness?

I mean those who deliberately serve only their needs and not only that, they deliberately feed on others, cause harm, either to benefit or for any evil or chaotic intent and purpose (and they continue to choose only an evil path).
Here, I mean Demons and other Dark Souls/Beings and Horrible/Evil Humans (and, of course, other evil beings); it could be argued that these are sick souls though, at least some of them.

I have seen the opinion/view thst God/The Absolute will bring a Reset to this Universe, sooner or later; if you agree with that view, what happens after or thanks to thst Reset?

Can evil ever achieve Redemption?
Or that is an option, perhaps an Eternal one - since I do believe that anyone, no matter how evil, can change, now, or in any possible future/parallel world/reality/dimension.

Edit: that is just a view of mine (the view that anyone can achieve redemption), I don’t know how stuff works on the more subtle realms.

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Do you mind telling the author of that pdf document? Thanks

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What is ill today (or ignorant) can always get cured, this experimenting that we all do, during our many lives, combined with the immense help from all the evolved beings and even avatars that incarnate here to help our understanding, will eventually lead to all of us becoming fully wise and aware (Liberated).
They say that the Universes, the created world is periodically resorbed into the Great Transcendent Consciouness (this process is called pralaya), and all the liberated consciousnesses, that attained moksha, will integrate in God’s consciousness without losing their identity, only the few that didn’t manage to evolve will be integrated losing their identity, and, at the next expansion / Creation / Big Bang probably, there will be a new set of consciousnesses willing to experiment Creation.



But will they Regain their individuality (those who will be integrated and with their identity lost)?

I mean, I would think that once someones has an identity, it can be recreated or regained?

I don’t think things last “forever”, not even a destruction or integration (maybe for an unfathomable amount of “time” though), also they can Regain it when a new Expansion/Creation will arrive/apply (?) - and if something can be done (removing identity and integrating), can’t it be undone/reversed/inversed (dezintegrating or creating anew and with a fresh new identity/individuality or with the old identity/individuality, but with far less power and self awareness, maybe?)

Just my speculation…

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… i guess when those times will be close to the end of resorbtion into the blissful Void, in which all potentialities exist, so many of us will go help the ones who will be still learning. With so much love and knowledge around them, who would not understand…? If all your neighbours are loving you and supporting you, and you live in a densifying ocean of love… this resonance would carry you like a wave…


I would never refuse help, when it comes to such high stakes lol; also, can’t karma be transferred? :exploding_head:

You know, when a soul wants someone dear to make it lol, “here, I transfer 20% positive karma”, could someone say.

Lol, who knows.

(just speculation on my part)

I have no idea how stuff works.

Google “ComedicBizman”

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Karma, contrary to common perception, is not an “eye for an eye” type of thing, but is the sum of resonances generated by all our past and present thoughts and focus, empowered with the energy of our emotions.
The “positive” karma is also karma, meaning resonances with states of mind that are lower than the God Consciousness one (and with the corespondent situations of life). For example if somebody encarnates in a “good” situation, he has cows and sheep and lands, he will live a good life from certain points of vue, but a life that could not have been there if he didn’t have that karma, meaning he could have obtained the final Liberation sooner. And how do owning things and living a terrestrial life, can compare to the Bliss?
Shortening our way to the Goal, “burning” our karma (low resonances or worldly resonances) can be done by any technique or means of raising our vibration and keeping it like that for as long as possible, as higher vibrations / resonances re-write the lower vibrations / resonances in our bodies and purity of all our bodies leads to purity and clarity of understanding, our level of consciousness raises.