Ley Line Node Point

For those of us who got the ebook version of the Book of Cards, could this Ley Line audio give similar effect as the Transformer field from the physical book? Obviously the transformer is constant while the audio needs to be played regularly.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQD3Kh7T7gE someone who has the ley line audio should try this. If anything happens tell us :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah you can use it with rods or a pendulum if it swing back and forth it indicate the energy flow ley node has successfully been transmitted with the audio. You can also use servitors to find them.


Did someone created ever ley lines map? Detailed one?


This one is an essential tool to prep your environment for any powerful energy work. You donā€™t need to be a mage to have results with this. You can simply saturate your room with it and do a prayer/meditation/affirmation for a desired manifestation. Donā€™t underestimate the power of your intention.


Hi @Nabs101 welcome back!


Hey Thank you @Jennyfire! Itā€™s truly amazing whatā€™s been happening here in the forum. Future changing stuff. Iā€™m so excited for everyoneā€™s life unfolding to new possibilities in abundance, healing and capabilities.

How have you been?


Hey you! Itā€™s so good to have you back!!
Iā€™ve just finished reading your 5D post, very inspiring and a lot to look forward to. Yes, exciting times for all of us. I feel like I am now on the verge of shedding my chrysalis body and becoming a beautiful butterfly :butterfly:


Removed my reply because I figured out what I was wondering right after I posted it lol.



Play this + Plasma Flower node connector at the same time and it feels :flushed:

Either one alone is great but PFNC def enhances even more the LLNP

Its like PFNC you feel being the node feeding those around creating connections of harmony. Like you are the start point.


LLNP feels like you are being fed and connected from the NP like they are the start point and you are the end.


Both feel like an amazing interaction back and forth where you are being powered and then you spread that power outwards like almost creating new nodes through others.


And i played them after VOL + VOT

Top notch feeling :heart_eyes::heart:


Lol it was. Do not recommend so late at night before bed tho :sunglasses::laughing: I was floating in a very cool loving vibe but then it was hard for me to sleep even after listening to the deep sleeper :see_no_evil: i think im gonna try this before meditations or even once at work


Iā€™m thinking of getting this.
And ā€œbaskingā€ in the energy.

But seriously, I want to create the node to bring energy to my business (Although WFH at the moment)


Combining this with The Welcomed :money_mouth_face:

Its been 3 days me doing it and the difference is noticeable


Great Idea.

Iā€™m thinking of combining it with Alien Intercession.

Some people have also said this energy works with the heart chakra.


Yah. Came to confirm this.

Ive been using at work since it came out the Plasma Flower Node Connector. Daily.

Sometimes i just leave it on loop for hoursss and i love it, it makes the connection between people in the room, in meetings etc flow easily, yes as in any other Company arguments and differences are present but still people can talk and express fully, even if others including bosses disagree. Which is something you dont see very much around.

Normally you get shut down pretty quick when you want to complain lol and the boss cuts you and ends the speech and meeting is over. And you are left feeling like once again you could not talk or and your needs being ignored. Thats usually the vibe around most companies ive been at.

But with PFNC s I said, i notice people feels and are free to say whatever and the conversation end when its all said. And next day everything seems normal. Back to business not holding grudges really.


This field hereā€¦

Again thanks to the new Member (i dont remember your name) but since you mentioned it working great for your Real State Auntie i decided to pull it out from the hidden library lol and start using it with consistency and see what would happen.

Im not playing PFNC these days.

Just The Welcomed and this one and i can exactly how the difference feels and its nice.

I was actually wondering if i would feel any difference in the node connector kinda thing but yeah.

This feels great for business put it that way. Business like sales, presenting projects, etc like were you or your team needs to directly interact with clients.

It feels like you gather power but like business focused energy power, like if you were connected to successful businesses or business people around the world filling you up with their successful business aura and mind.

Also like receiving that strike of luck those points around the world have

I mean you have to try to understand what i feel.

I feel super empowered, mentally focused, magnetically connected the all different sources.

It feels really good.

So PFNC is great to have a nice vibe around, to get people in a joyful flow, like more loving, friendly, clean energy. Just a good time.

But this one here is ā€œtime for real businessā€

Like PFNC is the feminine connector
And this Let Line NP is the masculine connector

Now i can imagine how this could feel and push us further:

The Welcomed
Capital Governance


But but

Then im thinking that i am just discovering one use because is how i am mixing it, but i guess this here can also connect us to other places (were the LLNP are) for other specific goals when mixed with the fields aiming those goals.


Great Stack idea


The opportunity and money flow is better.

This is the only new field I added almost 30 days ago.

The plants in my balcony are also growing a lot better.
And some bees also showed up in my balconyā€¦


Thanks for your feedback!

Youā€™re inspiring me to work with this field.

Time to rejig my stack. :pray:


Next I will try and play it in my dadā€™s art gallery and see how business will work


I wonder how large of an area would the LLNP be.
Would it cover an entire apartment?