Ley Line Node Point

Not sure but if it’s played loud enough and it can be heard in all places of your apartment then yes. Basically wherever the sound reaches the field will reach as well. It’s a basic for every field


Try pranic swirls after this and see what happens lol or play plasma flower after playing this and use pranic swirls or literally after playing any environment field

Just a free advice if anyone is willing to try


Experiment time
I have placed on plant on my table next to the speakers playing LLNP.

Will report on how things go


… i uh

Uhhhh i can i play this in the background along with my usual fields right? Haha

Since it affects you by giving you energy as well, it’s kinda confusing to me

Ive slept on this one for a long time, and i always wanted to play it in the gym but i would use my second phone for for my usual fields and my main phone for music but now i figured out how to play music in blue tooth head phone while the speaker plays fields on another app so I’m able to have environmental fields on my other phone in the gym and this is one I’d love to have along with sacred sanctuary, would be cool to try it out today!

@SammyG sorry for quoting you man… But what do ya think? Can I do it? lol


any benefits for babies when playing this ??

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Yes you can bud


Ohhhhhh snap!

S**ts. About. To get. Real!!! (More real than really real!!)

Haha thank you man!


I can’t believe i went so many months with out using this… it was racking up dust in my mp3 player…

This is awesome! Lots of beautiful empowering energies when i play it! Won’t be going a day with out it!


You can play Ley Line Node Point AND The Plasma Flower Node Point Connector at the same time as environmental fields. You can also loop an environmental playlist in the background…


I like to keep things roughly simple man, i know you’re into playing multiple non-environmental fields at once as well and ive tried it once after hearing you do it and i didn’t feel it was for me… I feel this may have a similar effect… Thank you for your input though man, its always much appreciated.


This attracted wayy to many wasp and bees for my comfort :joy:


Can this affect chakra blockages? My throat became tight after a few listens haha.

Quite serine though!

Since playing this, a pigeon keeps landing on the windowsill next to my bedside table every morning haha.

It started happening the day after I purchased and began using this field, so It’s the only change I can think of.

This morning, it was actually trying to get in through the open gap, haha.


I’ve noticed this, too.

Insects/birds/lizards seem to gravitate towards me.

It’s super hot here at the moment, and as you do, I leave the front door open until I go to bed at night., pretty much.

I’ve been playing this out of my laptop speakers on repeat, whilst I listen to my stacks on my phone (a few people have mentioned this lately, so I’ve been testing it out).

First time ever, but a bird flew in the house and wouldn’t leave haha. I also seem to see a lot more wildlife lately - Rabbits, deer, a rare giant black bee keeps flying around the house near the window where my office is located etc.


Just got this and on my second play. It really adds a magical feeling to the home. We play plasma flower all day and love it, this adds something really beautiful. The garden is shaping up so nicely, and I’m sure this will only benefit.

I also feel this is helping my energy levels, perhaps it’s helping me integrate some of the stronger fields in a more even way.

Only time can tell but I’m really loving this experience.

Thank you :heart:


Sorry for my question

im interested in this but also worrying if it will also attract mosquitoes, flies, termites, rats (PEST)

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So far nothing out of the ordinary here (and I live in rural New England)- trust me, you’ll know if any zany animal stuff goes on.


Played this at a family reunion. After the third loop, that’s when the dancing started.

The vibe was already good but it kicked up a notch. I looked around at the fifty or so people and it seemed every single one of them wore a smile.

And a deer showed up, so that’s cool too.

Made me wonder about connectivity, this field. What if some of us already know one another in “real life”?

I’m looking around tonight thinking, one of you could theoretically be on the forum and we wouldn’t have the slightest idea. Because we’re pretty vague here about ourselves - for good reason, it is public and all.

But I was just thinking wouldnt it be funny if there were a few people or even just one person in your daily life, or your past, who you’ve interacted with here and never knew it was them?

Maybe it’s seeing the stars so clearly tonight; feeling like musing.


anyone knows how long 3 plays (1 hour) of this lasts?

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I would like to know too!

@Dreamweaver, how long does the ley line last? Asking for the hummingbirds

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