Ley Line Node Point

At it again with that LLNP, look I live in the forest basically so I’m of course going to be curious about this.

Since I live where I do I see a lot of wildlife all the time. It’s one of the most incredible things about living here. Sometimes scary, not gonna lie, if you grew up in the burbs/city the first time you smell a skunk at night you think there’s some kind of emergency.

But it’s great. I love living somewhere so alive.

I’ve been here a few summers now and I’ve never seen such activity as I’ve seen playing this about every other day. Still don’t know how long the ley line lasts, but I’m going to assume at least 24 hours.

I had a goal for end of July early august and that was to set up my hummingbird haven, I bought some hummingbird lunch flowers and several feeders and thought ok here goes nothing.

They have been all over it - so many of them. It rained today and I realized I had to get the feeders down to clean and refill them, it had been almost a week but they really were doing a good job of moving the nectar so I wasn’t too worried. I went out with my umbrella and the closer I got, they still kept coming. They had no fear of me it was so cool. They were a little put off that I was taking down their food supply, but I paused and offered a feeder to them- one of them got so close, I’ve never seen a hummingbird that close. She was green and white, a female ruby throated hummingbird (I originally thought it was a different type but I did some research) Looked like this-


I am definitely trying that again, holding a feeder. I think if they get used to me, they might eat out of the feeder.

These things excite me, lol.

So there’s that, but also the general drama of nature has picked up in my yard

I make sure to play this outside

Usually the hawks ride the thermals over by the mountain, but today they rode them right over my yard. They flew low; this is not something I see often. Not sure if you’ve seen hawks fly up close but it’s really a wondrous thing to see. They’re so majestic. I generally know I’m back in New England on a road trip if I start to see them. Sometimes upstate NY I see them too, but there aren’t as many for some reason.

We were a little worried about one of the trees we planted last summer, a walnut tree. It looked like it had died, but it’s been doing so much better, basically the first stalk had died but it grew a whole other one connected to it. We also planted a lot of fruit trees last year, and they look extremely happy too.

You start getting more sensitive to energy and you begin to notice changes in the plants, how they feel. It’s trippy. Now it’s offered to me to cut some flowers to bring in the house and I’m just like no that’s ok, they look happy.

Anyway this field is very cool, it hasn’t been covered so much before so I figured why not talk about it



I discovered the beautiful hummingbird feeders I bought were already developing rust after using them for a week, and it was on the inside of the feeding container- not good for birds. So I tried to improvise for a few days by removing the part with rust, (which landed me in a precarious hose/yellow jacket situation) but got new feeders. The new ones were even better than the old ones, I put them out - nothing. Nada, zilch. When there was so much activity after the first feeders. I remembered then I hadn’t played this for a few (2?) days with all the commotion (might be the right word), anyway no birds were coming. I set a chair right next to the feeders and played this on a speaker. They came, and mind you they looked like the “Twitter pattering” birds from the original Bambi movie they were just moving in swirling motions around each other and they were very interested in the speaker itself too.

So the birds are back, the feeders are great, the yellow jackets can’t get in, and all is right with the world.