LGD 3033 + Cardarine PCT

Hello all!

Coming up on the end of my 6 week test cycle of LGD 3033 and cardarine fields. Felt some pretty wild results tbh. +5 lbs of weight gained, not sure how much fat lost but it was all muscle, max bench is up 25 lbs from day 1 (day 1 was the first day back in the gym after quarantine though), and my endurance in the gym became unbelievable.

Going to stop them soon because I don’t want to mess with my hormones too much (23 YO). What would a stack look like that could replicate post cycle therapy? Anything to rebalance hormones in general?


Awesome results, I’m using these as well. I think I may well have overdone it yesterday… Trained legs to exhaustion in the gym and was still jumping out of my skin so I had to run up a mountain in the afternoon :smile: Feeling pretty good today, after a day that would have put me on my ass 2 months ago. Will you share your protocol?


The endurance is just crazy isn’t it? I feel you that recovery time needed is 0 too.

I’ve been doing:
Cardarine preworkout x1
LGD start of workout x3 (worked up from x1 over time)
Muscle growth after workout x1
estrogen reducer x1/2
muscle recovery x1

Also added test x1 in the mornings, but thinking I’m getting a bit greedy haha


Yeah crazy endurance! Im hoping to shed the last layer of fat using this stack, so im pushing the training pretty hard. I do also use testosterone and hgh, no real problems so far… as long as I don’t get greedy lol and over do it


Oh, shoot! I could put some distance running to the test for others.


Has it been 6 weeks already?
Thanks for the testimonial!

Endocrine Audio

Not sure an actual PCT is needed with Sap’s stuff.
He usually adds built in safeguards.

I mean have you noticed anything that would indicate your hormone levels are wildly off?


@Zen Cardarine would be great for testing distance running

@_OM Coming up on 6 weeks Oct 1.

Huge thanks about endocrine audio - totally forgot that one. Oddly enough, the only audio that ever made me feel like my hormones were off was reduce estrogen. Doing more than 1x per day made me feel extremely tired.

LGD and Cardarine are the audios that have definitely impacted me the most (physically) out of any of Sapien’s, which is why I thought they might be need a PCT after.

If they don’t, do you think we could just keep using these and not cycle? Seems like absolutely insane potential if so.


That’s what I’m gonna do until I reach my goals or I feel my hormones are getting too out of balance.

So far, no side effects.


Got a half marathon that I DONT want to get done :upside_down_face:, I’ll start listening to this.


umm…thought you were ALREADY listening to this?? :astonished:


I listen the day I go to workout, haven’t listen for six weeks straight :sob:. But I got you :muscle::muscle:.


The endurance is off the charts. I clocked 11km in 60 minutes running last night, not pushing. This is a pace I was running 15 years ago. A word of caution though maybe, the endurance boost is so good that the potential is there for training to exceed recovery. I’m having to be really diligent with - muscle recovery, muscle growth, joint recovery, fat to stem cells etc :slight_smile:


This all you used?

Test, hgh, myo, all the fat burners, human mutant. The effect is pretty profound imo.

The ones I mentioned above are for recovery… my favorite being fat to stem cells. There is something REALLY special about that field :yellow_heart:


Ran 8 miles today (most in my entire life)

The entire run felt LIGHT; my breathing was fanatical all the way, usually my legs give out quick but NOT today. After 4 miles the only thing in my head was “this is insane, like I’m really running all these miles and I’m NOT dying? This is legit " cheating the game”@Captain_Nemo " unfortunately I had a cramp for 3 miles so slowed down a bit but definitely felt like I killed it. Imagine I lf actually decide to run everyday even if just a bit.


:+1: :muscle: :heartbeat:


Great results, congrats! Did you use both LGD & Cardarine before this? How many days of use until you hit these results?


Yes both BGD &Cardarine. I listen to my workout stack in days I work out, so I can’t say I’ve been listening for 2 weeks or whatnot. I’m going to start listening to them daily to provide a more in depth testimony @_OM :upside_down_face:


so……. you all want ostarine?

I have used these myself in the gym…
I must say personally its nice to not feel anything and wonder why weights aint shit.
and grow muscle without any recovery needed. these are my feelings not intended to sell anything, wait these aren’t for sale right?
that’s the best sales line bro!

man I aint selling nutting really and these are on streaming media, what you talking bout?
…anyways… the recovery and how ‘effortless’ everything seems, to me is the best part.

Besides that, I mean I am personally 6’4 so that creates a prior perception, but when doing community breakdowns or help projects with others, its really nice to feel you are doing a lot and amazing to the others seeing you.


:expressionless: I mean if you feel like it…:man_shrugging:

Of course we do! We wants all the SARMs :crazy_face: :partying_face: :pleading_face: :boom: :100: :nose: :sloth: :sauropod: :octopus: :mosquito: :bouquet: