LGD 3303 Field. What's the Deal?

ask for to have a guide while astral travel, at least for first trips

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Definetly will, he will be my partner in discovery. Like in neverending story, he will be my trusty steed :smiley:

I took a shot and have used the LGD 3303 audio 2x a day followed by an automated workout (upper body 1 day, calves + legs next day, upper body 3rd day, etc… aand ending with after workout recovery 2-3x). Today was day 7. I only used Test boost once and HGH 2.0 once all week. and I’ve noticed my legs are stronger and a bit bigger, but not much yet. The same with my arms. I haven’t had any of the side effects yet either.


Day 25 update:

I haven’t missed a day using this

Also after my 7 day update not much improvement in both visible muscle size and strength.

Today is where it changes! For the last few days I’ve been thinking to stop using this audio since I haven’t gotten much from it. But when I woke up today, a thought came to me (Maybe my higher self or my servitor helping me? ).

I did LGD 3x then Extreme Muscle Growth 3x followed by automated workout 3x and after workout 3x. When I was playing upper body, I could feel the muscles in my back and arms vibrating. I’ve been using the workout videos since they were released and never felt anything. I read people’s comments saying they feel tired and sore after a few repeats but I could play them for over and hour and not feel anything.

From now on, adding Extreme Muscle Growth is definitely on my list! Maybe this update will help others who have been using LGD without much improvements


If it’s possible try working out daily and let us know your results!

I wouldn’t mind doing a test but I probably wouldn’t add automated workout or any workout video (leg,upper,core etc) just extreme muscle growth.

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For me, I don’t work out or lift weights, etc… I’m in a wheelchair and pretty much depend on others for almost everything. My intention is to build muscle and strength along with other audios [like automated workouts] so l can someday be able to do more for myself. I go to physiotherapy regularly, though since this pandemic they don’t let me go as often as I did before. But they have noticed I am getting a lot stronger lately, and they don’t know how as I don’t tell them about SM lol

I’m probably not the intended target user for LGD, but it’s helping me achieve my goals


Great testimonial! Thanks!


Give the upcoming alien intercessions a shot.

Maybe they can do a little mutation/healing.

Or in human words ;

Its a miracle!


Pro tip: I used Joint Regeneration 3-4x after a hard workout the other day. Felt 100% the following day. Might be something you guys want to try in addition to Muscle Recovery. I don’t really feel anything from Muscle Recovery tbh, but I definitely felt this.


Hear hear! I can attest to this too! While Muscle Recovery seems to work for general pains and aches, for after a workout, Joint Regeneration seems to be doing an amazing job!


10 Week Review!

Today is the last day of my 10 week cycle with LGD, and wow that went fast!

A few notes: I used this audio every day, the first time in my 7 years since discovering subliminals, fields, etc that I remained committed to an audio that consistently. Also, my goal isn’t to become a huge muscular body builder, I just want to build some muscle and physical strength to help with my condition. Besides going to physiotherapy once a week, I don’t do muscle building or strength exercises, I wanted to try solely using fields.

Lastly, I was doing Upper Body Workout + Core Strengthener (For weeks 8, 9 and 10 I added Cardio) one day, then Gluteal + Legs + Calves the next day, repeating this schedule throughout the 10 weeks. I’ll refer to these as Day 1 and Day 2 from now on.

My stacks: I experimented throughout the cycle to find what worked for me.

I started out just doing:

LGD (2x)
Day 1 (2x each) or Day 2 (2x each)
After Workout (2x)

I used Testosterone Boost + HGH 2.0 (1x each) in the first week. I didn’t use them again until week 8.

Near the end of week 3, I changed to:

LGD (3x)
Extreme muscle growth (3x)
Day 1 or Day 2 (2x each)
After Workout (3x)

Week 6:

I added Cardarine (2x) playing this right before LGD (2x)

Week 8:

I was intrigued by the discussion between @Zen and @abro in this thread, LGD 3303 + Cardarine

Superhuman mutant (1x)
Cardarine (2x)
LGD (2x)
Skeptic (2x)
Pranic (2x)
Hand of glory (1x)
Unstoppable will (3x)

Followed by Day 1 or Day 2. I added Cardio (2x) to Day 1.

Followed by

Test boost (1x)
HGH 2.0 (1x)
Extreme muscle growth (2x)
muscle recovery (2x)
joint recovery (2x)
fat to stem cells (2x)

Week 9:

The above playlist was way too long and several days during week 8 I didn’t make it through it all, so week 9 and 10 I cut it down to

Superhuman mutant (1x)
Cardarine (2x)
LGD (2x)
Day 1 (2x each) or Day 2 (2x each)
Extreme muscle growth (2x)
After workout (2x)


My strength increased quite a lot both upper and lower body. However muscle size on my arms and chest are only a bit bigger, whereas my thighs and calves are way bigger. I didn’t measure it, but it’s easily noticeable. At physio, one person holds 1 arm and another person holds the other arm and they have me walk around the main area (maybe 25-30 feet length, so 50 feet down and back). I used to go a little over 1 and a half laps before getting tired. Now I can do 3!


Hi @SC448 congratulations on your results! So glad that your perseverance paid off and that your results are noticeable, it’s always exciting when you see the evidence of your hard work! You mentioned that the muscles on your arms and chest had grown only a little bit, maybe you need to add the upper body workout back into your playlist? By the way what did your physio therapists say when they saw an increase in your strength and stamina?


Thank you sooooooo much @Jennyfire! In addition to feeling great about the accomplishments, it’s also a huge boost in confidence and self-esteem knowing you can do so much in relatively short time!

So sorry, I did keep upper body workouts in my playlist all the way through. I was alternating between upper body + core + cardio one day, then doing gluteal + legs + calves the next day, then repeating that schedule, rather than doing all 6 everyday. I’ll edit my post to clarify that part.

My physios noticed a big improvement but i didn’t tell them anything about Sapien. Also, I’ve been going to physio for 6 years, and last October my therapist had a baby so for this year I was working with another. I did not plan this at all, the universe just brought this together for me, today was the end of 10 weeks, and my regular therapist is back and starting this upcoming Wednesday, she’ll be working with me again. I’m really excited to see her reaction to the change since she last worked with me. If she notices it then it’ll be an even bigger boost for me!


What is the best SARMs audio for post workout that are safe ?

How many times can I use it everyday? Is 3 the max?

What do you think?

I’m not that scared, so 3 times a day is fine I guess.

It’s great that you’re not scared. That wasn’t my point.

Are you “fully aware of the potential side effects of SARMs,” and why you might not want to overdo them? THAT’s my point.


Dream recommends 2-3x for the SARM fields


I am looking for field which is good for muscle growth and also SAFE in this sarms series
Please can you suggest if you know any