Life Extension Discussion

Discussion about Life Extension.

What are your thoughts about Life Extension?

How will life be different if humans in the future live longer?

Is aging a disease?


I’ve had this talk a few times recently. I’ll just share my opinion (which only bind me), pretty sure it will be a minority.

Ageing is not a disease (lot it’s because of the question, yes it’s a disease, but not a fundamental problem to fight IMO)

80yo is a lot of time on earth, I won’t opt for more. Being healthy past 50yo is the real matter I think. Same life expectancy but better quality is what I’m looking for

Same thing for wrinkles and white hair, as long as it doesn’t start too soon. It’s part of life and it’s not that bad

I read a few things on the forum about not reincarnating. Apparently it takes a lot of work, but sounds interesting. Wish we could just opt out with a formulary


I think it just comes down to Jing depletion tbh, I work at a restaurant and the jing depletion of these people makes me so sad to see especially if they are my age or young


I was saying the exact same thing for 40 years old (and I was “determined” to stop the game there), when all of a sudden I turned 39 and was like: :hourglass_flowing_sand: :flushed:

So I said “roll baby roll”. Also because apparently, stopping the game before it’s supposed to seems to create extra karmic garbage.

Honestly, I’d like to see my grandchildren if possible. And stay in shape until then because it can take some time :))) Then I can go.

Like I said elsewhere, looking like 20 years old is not my goal, even though I take care of myself and all (but I don’t beat myself when I forget to apply some of my skincare thingies once in a while). But it doesn’t mean that I’ll fit any age code. If I jump like Mick Jagger when I’m his age, I’d be happy. With upward wrinkles. Those saying “gee, I laughed like crazy”.

I admit that I also have some ambivalence sometimes, especially when living in a country where people aged 29 are treated like good-to-bury dinosaurs and told that “it’s too late for them”. Or women in my family who don’t “show their age” and try to maintain that… So I probably feel as if I have to do the same. Some sort of responsibility lol.

At the end of the day, longevity on its own doesn’t mean much. “Quality” matters like Philip said. Both of my grandfathers lived until 90. One was still laughing and declaring his flame to his wife (after 65 years spent together), whereas the other was busy writing on his diary “I’ve never been happy in my life, I destroyed everything”.


I personally believe life on earth can be much longer than now in future, as the freq on earth rises to a much higher level. There will be more solutions to anti-aging and immorality. It might be able to extend life to 150 years or more, but it will depend on each individual’s energy ofc.


Id live for ever if Captain does too :mega:

That is all.



:speaking_head: Groupie



Haha its not that.

Despite my love for him im not that clingy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But staying for ever in this shitshow is only worth taking the chance with his support plus imagine being able to witness and be part of a total new Earth because of him? :relieved:


If Life is extended for too long, people would inevitably become depressed. Many people are “Finite” in a sense, at some point you just might get tired of the same stuff over n over.

I would be curious to live as long as I want, just not forever. I want a button that lets me stop when it gets unfun lol


I think its about quality and quantity. I have the feeling that I’m going to be around on earth for a long time . Its just a feeling I’ve been having , so I plan my life accordingly.

There’s a scientist I know that I sometimes ask questions over email. He’s one of the few peole that inspires me. He looks a good 10 years younger ,but the most impressive thing is his mind , its sharper than mine ever was. And he turned 84 today :)
He does so much to help and empower peole and doesnt take the slightest pride in that . Truly humble and one of the last scientists who understands the body as whole.

On the other hand there’s many older patients of mine that lost any joy in life and just wait for death to come.
I yesterday talked to a 97 year old and she said :" I dont know why god hasn’t picked me up yet , I dont know what I’m still supposed to do here. "
The sentence that I hear most from my patients is :" dont get old , it’s not fun",which motivates me in a way to not end up like them. But that takes a lot of work and working on yourself in a way that gives the best long term results .


Here comes something like a matrix game spoiler, and also a “life hack” to live longer.

Of course, all personal opinion only – no guarantee that this will actually make you live longer.

Quite often, a soul’s task on earth is to come down here to the physical and support the overal raise of the planet’s vibration. And by this lift the whole noosphere up.
Some people are genuienly pure in their heart, have intergrated most of their shadow and have a high level of vibration. They are raising the planet’s vibration and helping humanity just by being on the planet in a physical body and pushing humanity’s collective morphic field to a higher more positive and loving level. Out of this service for the planet and others, those souls try to stay as long in their physical bodies as it is comfortable for them.

Raising the overall vibration of the planet – from my understanding that is at least one of the things that our beloved Captain is also doing here for us and with us. Just think about that: Literally 99% of Sapien fields are aimed at helping humanity, reduce suffering and raising the overall vibration of the planet.

It may be just one planet among Trillions in the Universe, but all is interconnected, especially vibration wise and does influence each other. Time and distance are total illusions anyways. Love and consciousness are absolute.

:white_heart: :earth_africa: :milky_way:

I also wrote in the other thread, why extending your life span might not necessarily work out if the desire for this comes from the ego only. The Higher Self has usually bigger plans than the ego’s desire to play an “immortal vampire” role.
One can of course still play this role and have fun with it as part of the physical experience – but as usual it is always best to be aligned with the Higher Self in the first place – then all desires (lower and higher) can be fullfilled and achieved.


That makes sense !
Although she complained about that, she was quite content in general and complained far less than people 10 or 20 years younger.
In the same street there’s also a 95 year old women and she is one precious beeing . What you said applies to her . She’s just so pure ,very sweet and kind . How she stayed like that after all she must have seen is beyond me. When WW2 ended she was already 19 and my city was almost completely destroyed, leaving people with only what they had on them .
In the first house theres also a former patient of mine who is in her mid 90ies and tomorrow I’ll go to a patient who is 98 . They all live within 100m of each other . Seems to be the street of longevity :blush::smiley::crossed_fingers:


The three score and ten era may have a final surge, but we are entering a brave new world soon where radical life extension and an even more radical redefining of human nature will occur, for better and worse. The continuity of consciousness will become a Ship of Theseus question that will haunt metaphysicians of the near future that will (probably) otherwise be ignored by the “humanity” that follows us.