Light Servitor Dark Servitor to attract women?

Hi good day. New user. Much has been said about “Dragon Golem Servitor” but very little about “Dark Servitor” and “Light Servitor” (“Energetic Addendum Est”). Could you share your experience?

What skills do they have? Why choose one instead of the other? All I know is what comes in the pdf but I want to know their experiences, the people who have worked with them.

I honestly really like the idea of ​​creating a DARK SERVITOR but the word DARK and DEMON scares me a bit hahaha. And the LIGHT SERVITOR feels safer for the word LIGHT. For example to ATTRACT BEAUTIFUL WOMEN which Servitor is better? Without insurance to use both Servitor? Will they not turn against me or my family? Share experiences. Thank you.


you get a dark servitor and asked to increase your sexual energy or to charge an object with sexual and keep it with you, which automaticaly attract women to your side.

Demons also can do that to you (Zepar, Sitri, Asmoday, Sargatanas…)

so to answer your question dark servitors are most tuned for attraction.

if you use dreamweaver energetic addendum servitors they will obey you and do not turn against you or family

as what abilities they have you must experiment this yourself and search the forum to learn more


Can i do this via radionics? Like put dark servitor sigil as trend and write my wish in wish box etc…


yes you can put sigil of demon on trend and put a photo of yourself in target and write your intent about attracting women.


Like with Sitri seal ,it would be perfect purpose for that
He is among them most kindness


Why don’t just use the audios instead of messing with demons?


Yes i know seems creepy but to have that experience is not creepy at all. Before it would scare me to hear ‘demon’ as word but after i worked with some seems not big deal. Just dont ask it to hurt anyone. Work on yourself you will most likely get benefits (wisdom … Physical energy… It may even to teach how to sense or know energetic signature of things) as for angel it can get you also the same and unconditional love.

I dont know why people start judging people Remember this is forum where people share experiences answers questions to help out each other and not to judge. I advise some to listen to ego dissolution or mindfulness


A dark servitor from Energetic addendum can control these demons (Goetia type) so your mostly safe then. Why u still think this is creepy.
Some of demons will not work for you if they don’t like you. Ex. If your type of deceitful person.


I agree with most but knowing Aeshma (Asmoday) I will die of laughter if he gets controlled by the servitor.

Hes def. gonna get pissed off lool


I agree, nothing to judge between people and their way of doing things.

We are here to share experiences and each one decides what is best for him.


I remember he pranked me lol he laughed on me. I didn’t like it but he has prankfull sense of humour. Then he said i asked him late so he didnt do it.

He said next time if i want something i should ask him earlier.


Yeah he has a very twisted sense of humour, like a certain grigori I wont mention, names have power after all.

I doubt tho that the servitor can control him.

Maybe his cute “fallen angel” goetic form.

Have you evoked his Persian zoroastrian form? Yeah, not fun lol.

Observe without judging is the most beneficial learning process guys


Sitri is something like that angel who throw arrows of loves on people like Eros do and make them falling in love, I think that Eros who we always have seen in cartoons or in some movies is actually presentation of Sitri, but not telling us directly his name is Sitri


No i didnt. I may once evoke him through chanting and gazing his sigil. But after we kept mental connection flowing convo seemed easy i was very sensitive last year. I lost some of my sensitivity hope getting back sooner.

Im guy who like experience things especially in the paranormal, i dont like to read and just have an idea of it. If liked that idea i will definitely try it just to heak of science and just feed my curiosity. Sexuality has dark energy and its part of everyone of us.


You have a lot to learn about women bro.

ALOT of women walk around with magic spells, glamours, angels of love/demons of lust backing them up.

How do you think gold diggers manage to get away with it? Their plastic looks? No, magic.

The difference is that most men like to make it obvious how edgy they are with their magic, women are masters at pretending to be holy but secretly use magic.

The “rich/celebrity class” is especially full of succubis.

As you said, theres nothing wrong with that. Being spiritual yourself will make you see right trough the glamours and magick, but dont be naive lol.

Disney princesses dont exist


Nope, thats exactly how succubis operate.

They make the man think he is in charge and uses her like some slut for pleasure, not realizing hes the one getting used.


Exactly I saw this also, some girls women use these unconsciously and they agree with it/them unconsciously and they are working with them, thus men getting crazy with them in so many ways

This all happens on invisible level of life

Many won’t believe in this and that’s okay too


How about they stop being unproductive cunts and actually do something with that money to help the earth/people…?

Doesnt matter, as I said in a previous comment, lots and LOTS of those kind of wealthy people are already under attack.

Their time is over, earths changing, and the filth shall be cleansed.

Those rappers and millionaires also pay magicians alot of money for protection, and lots of them ARE magicians.

The law doesnt allow them to speak about it publicly.