Added the Silent Mind, Fight to Flight - to the list of available audios.
Solidifier hopefully
Please add Saint Michael to the list
Fae Soul audio was also released. Not sure if that’s been announced anywhere yet.
Thank you for your work btw.
Edit: Wow The Lion’s Gate audio is out too!
Yup just saw that!
An audio on emotional alchemy would be of great help.
The Sun MC :)
Financial independence NFT would be gold
mybe 9 financial points
Life Force Tree would also be nice!
This and The Hero are minted in Venly and am sure the logistics are not as easy as the NFTs minted in TheSapienShop! Lets hope captain makes it!
You mean Financial Freedom?
Yes thats what is called
That would be really cool
Our group would pay for it
Updated the list with Universal OM (which now has an audio)
Would be awesome to have an audio for * The Unexpected
Suggestion audio for multi dimensional mind conduit. Thanks
I am not 100% sure, but perhaps The Unexpected NFT’s audio may be The Unexpected Gifts music on the Soundweave site?
They’re not the same iirc. And flight to fight got an audio added anyway.
The Unexpected NFT is an alchemy with Probability Alteration & Luck. I’d be excited about an audio for it for sure!