The Hero NFT: Testimonials

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The Hero archetype represents the process of overcoming obstacles to achieve specific goals.
In myths, the hero’s objective is often to find a treasure like a golden egg, save a princess, and return with the elixir of life.
Here we use the positive aspects of the Hero archetype to provide a personal hero, someone simple offers support and encouragement.
Boosts confidence by ‘encouragement’ from within to inspire your own positive heroic traits.
(or your background hype man)
It will also create sort of intercession beacons in situations that require it.
To ask for another layer of help when needed.
and a radical positive change to get that action to you as quickly as possible.


Great Stuff


Does this include the “radical positive changes” field?

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A part of me wants to say yes,


A friend just handed me this one with the prequels for the summer-read :slight_smile:

Couldn’t resist to front the resemblance haha


Huh, zero testimonials here? :astonished:


I did some jungian archetype personality test and it said i am a hero.

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How? Some online survey?

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Yeah for FBI recruitment.

serious man? FBI looks into Jungian archetypes? Interesting

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Nah I am joking :wink:.

Maybe idk. But next one it showed I am joker…or something like that

It is a random online test you can find online

lol ok, being a hero is not easy man, when a person like DW deals with so much shit, we are just normal people.

If you go through your relationships overcoming any strain and setbacks that I consider as the biggest heroic achievement in someone’s life!


I acquired it recently and so far feel a sense of empowered inner confidence, a sort of allowing the inner powers to navigate. You know how we say “trust in the universe” and this is like trust in thyself.

Unfuckwithable, in other words.
Also it feels smooth, not overconfident or arrogant, simply an inner knowing that one is in charge at all times. There’s a lot of self-responsibility


Yes, that is a path that many shirk, but is one of the best ways to heal imo. Truly heroic to see one’s foibles in the mirror of another and not fear the challenge.


You bet, limit case would be living with an abusive psychopath.

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I’ve been trying to trade out this NFT, and so far none have expressed interests. Then I checked this thread, and realized that this one does not have a review. No wonder. :sweat_smile: I might as well write a short review on this one.

This NFT works both inwards and outwards. Let’s start with the inwards. This is not a mindset field like the Knight Warrior Mindset. Rather, this works more subtly. If you have a hard time dealing with situations, this NFT helps you by having more helpful internal dialogues to deal with it. It also elevates your tolerance towards danger slightly. You can consciously to work yourself up to become your version of a hero, or if used passively, this give you an aura of certitude despite the ego feels otherwise. :slightly_smiling_face:

Outwardly, this is an intercession field. But again, it’s pretty unlike other existing intercession fields. It’s quite social. This is in line with the belief that you can create luck. Instead of getting unexpected help from aliens or angels, this is a facilitator of getting yourself to meet other helpful people who can get you unstuck. A hero is rarely alone in his or her quest.

To me, the effect of this NFT is like a mini stack of Resilience-Antifragile, Knight Warrior Mindset, The Navigator of Awe, The Unbreakable, and The Probability Wave. Then after this stack, there is also an intercession bit added to it. Basically, it’s a catch-all NFT for positive change, positive mentality and intercession.

I suspect that the newer paid field of The Holy Paladin, Resilience Max+ and Aureus Fortuna are also similar to this NFT, but I don’t have these three new fields, so I can’t tell. Remember that all fields are different, so it’s only the effects that are similar, not the concepts.