Hello, I feel like many of you haven’t come across to this little gem that honestly has saved.
This ONLY works on Samsung devices.
a Bluetooth device would make things easier.
The video speaks on playing 2 sources of audios at the same time but with different outputs. This works with playing 2 audio sources with the same output. you can even play 3 audios at the same time, 2 from a headphone and 1 from the speaker. I recorded a video doing so but would prefer showing a more general video before putting any information closely tied to me.
Uhm im not sure if that is actually recommended… @uial ?
Actually talked about here in this thread:
It’s not a good idea to combine several fields because they can cancel each other out. It’s best to listen one at a time. I believe the FAQ @ enlightenedstates.com answers this as well @anon6431808 lol i dont know how to copy a link a thread on another post hahaha
Yes. It will work. All it requires is that you can hear it. The energy in the fields work on their own. You can even play other music in the background.
I won’t be tired of saying this: he is. Sorry to harass you @uial but some truths need to be emphasized…
Typical examples:
A member asks for some advice.
Bronyraur poorly and partly copy pastes what she has learned from Uial.
Uial: In addition to Bronyraur’s excellent suggestions (…)
Brony: ?!
Some unsolvable conflict going on somewhere on the forum, with the majority of the community getting triggered in it.
Meanwhile, in other unseen topics:
Member (could be Brony as well): What can I use against X problem? Would it solve Y too or clash with Z? Because I want to use boosted P and W along with them.
Uial writes Fields 101.
(Meanwhile, general forum atmosphere gets totally )
Member: Thanks bro, but I still have 64789 more questions if you don’t mind.
(Meanwhile, Uial is tagged in 575 other posts for help).
Uial: No worries, glad to be of help.
Member: But what’s your role here bro?Just providing guidelines? I mean you’re a neutral moderator or something?
Uial: Reading the older posts might be of interest to answer the last question.
Meanwhile Uial copies the 758906 posts of the older forum.
X person: So you don’t believe in love and light Bronyraur?
I have spoken the Sam about this considering I use this method to listen to multiple audio sources. He said it’s best to listen to frequency one at a time, not both at once. I made this thread to inform those who like to listen to podcast or listen to music on the way to work to also be able to listen to frequency. Basically saving time.
Yes, because most of the time you’re probably in your van, driving under the Sirian light, while drinking some tea with your healer guides and whistling “I did it myyyyy wayyyyy.…” or hanging out in some mystic abbeys ;)
General note: don’t bother much when I brutally overgeneralize sometimes, by saying things like “majority”, etc. Sometimes, it’s not even the forum I’m referring to.
It’s more me trying to act like an unpleasant mirror towards some mentalities who generalize and put everybody inside the same basket, you know… When they say things like “I’m sure nobody knows that” or “all Orion beings are evil” :p
So basically, I imitate them by sort of asking “sooooo dudes, how does it feel to be treated that way?” ;))) My provocative side…
Once again, I had to write 74708 sentences to explain myself because of my unstable English :)) Sorry :d
To be fair indulging in the Sirian energies of home, drinking tea with my spirit mates, and us all having a good old sing song - is a great way to spend your time, unless of course someone looks through the van window and thinks - she is one weird woman