Listening guidelines

Thanks for clearing that up.

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Hypothetical Sunlight & Energy Production Stack:

Photosynthesis (Patreon, The Sapien Trust) x3
The Sun Gazer
Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption (30 mins after main meal) x2
Vitamin D Production (if required) x3
Sun Free Tanning
Far Infrared light therapy


Please keep in mind these are just theoretical stacks, more like categories for the audios and listening to the audios in a stack might or might not give results.

The total length of time of the Sleep Stack is about 1hr (not including Sweet Dreams). So if you want to listen to all of the audios, start at about 8pm.

Listen to the Lucid Dreaming audio only if you want more vivid dreams and potentially lucid dreams.
Theta Brainwave State is to help get into a meditative state and may give you lucid dreams as well.
Sweet Dreams is for use while sleeping, if you want to listen to it.
The most important audio to help you get to sleep is Melatonin Production, so if you don’t have time to listen to all, just listen to this one once or twice.


Ok, see how you go with the stack.
I just meant the audios in the stacks are to help produce a certain result. I put all audios with the same category in one stack. Some audios in a stack might not produce results.
So, Sleep stack audios might help you sleep. Imagination stack audios might help your imagination, and so on.
I also arranged the audios in the order which might work best for them to be listened to.


Hypothetical After-Workout Stack:

After Workout Muscle Recovery x5
Extreme Muscle Growth Stimulation x1
Reduce Estrogen x2
Food Charger and Enhancer (play with speakers onto meal before eating)
Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption (30 mins after main meal) x2
The Super Human Mutant (every 12hrs) x2
Nitric Oxide Boost x2
Far Infrared light therapy
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy x2
Transform Fat to Stem Cells
Generalized Adult Stem Cell Treatment
Bone and Organ Breathing
Acetylcholine Production (Patreon, The Sapien Trust)
CBD (for muscle soreness)
Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage


Hypothetical Men’s Pre-Workout Stack:

The Hyper State Sleep x2
Caffeine and Energy Surge x1
Stop Procrastinating x2
Dopamine Redux (Google Play , Spotify) x2
Gamma Brain Wave (Patreon) x1
The Super Human Mutant (every 12 hrs) x2
Energy Overload x1
Androstenol x1
The Testosterone Boost x1
Reduce Estrogen x1
The DHT Overwhelming Presence x2
The Hand Of Glory x1
Nitric Oxide Boost x2


Thank you, GPO. I will try this list and see how it goes!!!


Can I listen to fields on low volume through speakers?

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Yes, you can do this. Dream has confirmed it before. You can keep the volume as low as you wish to. As long as it is audible consciously, the field will work.


Okay, cool. I just wanted to check if that was the case for all fields. Thanks

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Does anyone know the mechanism behind it?
I used the attract wealth and the good luck fields on youtube, but can anyone ask Dreamweaver if theres anything that sabotages it?
For example, if it places the concept of “I am lucky” and “I am abundant” into your subconscious, maybe it even changes your auric field to attract more abundance and luck.

Now my question is, if I were to wear the “honor and glory” t-shirt, which changes my mindset and aura to that of a knight, or perhaps even use Thor’s mandala, which changes my aura and mindset to that of Thor’s, would it sabotage and perhaps even nullify the effects of the abundance and luck fields?

Hi @anon28389016!
I have moved your post to the Listening Guidelines Topic.

For more information, read the FAQ, this article & this article.

Your Subconscious Limits are the main thing that will sabotage your results. To help with this, use the Subconscious Limits Removal audio daily. For more information about what can sabotage your results, please read here.

Sapien Medicine does not use Subliminals, they are morphic fields, the energy is programmed into the audio.

Regarding the Attract Wealth audio:
“made with energetic programming to help you remove any negative belief system you have for wealth”
“The audio also programs your mind with positive beliefs about wealth and your energy field to attract all forms of wealth.”

Regarding the Good Luck audio:
“The combination of programming and frequencies embedded in this audio will work toward helping you draw good luck and good fortune”

I don’t believe the t-shirt would sabotage or nullify the effects. The t-shirt is a field, just embedded in the item. An audio is a field, just embedded in the sound. If the shirt nullified the audio then you could say listening to both the Wealth & Luck Fields would nullify each other, whereas clearly they don’t because it’s ok to listen to more than one audio and still get powerful results.

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Programming the mind means it changes the subconscious and your thinking patterns.

It seems that its the auric field that does most of the attracting, so my question still stands, if I use a mandala and it changes my auric field from “attracting wealth” to “Thor’s energy”, it seems logical that my auric field will stop attracting wealth, rendering the field useless.

UNLESS it also “programs the mind” in a way that does the attracting, so the auric field doesnt matter.

Anyway, if you can please ask Dreamweaver, because if my theory is correct, it would be better to wear a mandala or pendant that attracts abundance, rather than listening to an audio.

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From this article:
“If you wear more than 4 items at a time, you might find the energy overwhelming and it would take your body a longer time to adjust to the fields and carry out the changes. Once your body adjusts to the fields though, they will work at their full capacity.”
From this FAQ:
"I suggest wearing no more than 4-5 at the same time. Some people are able to handle it though so it’s up to whether you can. Generally though, this amount can be overwhelming to most people’s energy bodies. The audio fields though,you can listen to many different ones the same day."

From this article’s comments section:

So, it seems it’s safe to wear 4-5 different fields.
Fields that clash and nullify each other’s effects are very rare.
Many different audios can be listened to.


Thanks for the info.

Anyway, I cant seem to find a pendant or mandala that attracts wealth. Does dream have any intentions of making the attract wealth and abundance audio into a pendant?

(I know there are mandalas for abundance, in talking wealth as in money)

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You’re welcome.
Abundance and Prosperity Dog Tag.

I just wanted to add, you could also try the A life of Magical Abundance audio, which creates an energetic field around you for about 8hrs then slowly wears off.

You could also try this Abundance & Luck Stack (list of audios related to Abundance & Luck).

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Sorry if im spamming ;D

Anyway, I bought the theta brainwave field from gumroad, but the monastic singing is really annoying, cant meditate with it.

I was wondering, If I cut the file to the first 3 mins, where theres no singing, and loop those 3 mins, would it still work?

Also, do the delta and epsilon fields also contain singing or music?

Post moved to the Listening guidelines topic.

I’m not sure if you looped the first 3 mins, would it still work?
I would say it depends on what energy is programmed within those 3 mins and what is after that. If the Theta Brainwave field is in those 3 mins then it will probably work. It might not be though. Better to check with Dreamweaver or sammyg about this.

The Delta field contains some funny chanting, I bet you won’t like it if you don’t like the Theta chanting. The Epsilon field has some relaxing music in it.
Have you tried the Alpha or Gamma audios?


Wow thanks man, I was about to buy the Delta one lmao, gonna have to skip it I guess…:frowning:

How do I check with Dream or Sam tho?


Yeah I have tried the Alpha and Gamma, theyre really awesome. But im mostly focusing now on Soul traveling, thats why I wanted to use the Theta one really bad. Dont understand why Dream would put monks chanting on a theta field tho, really confusing.