Listening guidelines

Ohhhh! Thanks @Bronyraur!

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Do you know any audio for spiritual stack?

i missed a day for one of my physical audios can i go back to listen to it today and start building the momentum up or do i have to clear my mind with somthing like aura deep clearing and start all over again?

I have a question on morphic fields. If I play a selected audio on continuous loop from say my computer speakers at home all day long day after day while I am away at work, can the morphic field be imprinted in a location say the room where my computer is or do I have to be present for any effect?

Your place will cover with morphic field depend on range

If u open atmospheric vibration riser , white light waves , plasma flower

It covers the long renght depend on how volume lound

Morphic field is like a guy who master pyschic ability and u just near him and absorb his ability

U dont near him , he still be the master

If an audio plays in the room and no one is there to hear it, does it still make a sound? :thinking:

I have read that the ambient ones (fields for the atmosphere or environment) will have an effect, yes.

But for physical changes or others intended for a person, I am not sure.
Without any specific programming or energetic work done that intends for the fields to be imbued into objects, I think the mechanism is for them to work only on living beings.


Considering that the audios work by affecting our field, energetically… I’m not understanding why we need to consciously hear them. I was under the impression that morphic fields still work even played at a very low volume where we can’t hear them, as long as it’s being played within our own energetic field. Like the same way the tags work. Could someone explain why the audios only work if heard consciously, if they work on an energetic level?

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I would like to know this as well since field embedded mandalas don’t require sound and yet we’re still able to reap the benefits from it. So, I don’t really understand why morphic field audios need to be heard if it’s working on our aura and energetic field.

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They dont need to be heard but the audio must be played within ur aura and you cant mute the audio since the field is embedded into the sound.
You can play it at a very low volume as long as it is in your aura.

Correct me if im wrong.

But, I remember seeing a comment by Sapien, himself, stating that as long as you can consciously hear it, then it’s working for you. So, it seems like you have to kind of hear it at the least. I haven’t seen a comment by anyone saying that you can just put it in low volume even if you can’t hear it and it still working for you.

Since we can listen using wired/bluetooth “speakers/earbuds/headphones” and even smartphones built in speaker, then does it still work if the speaker set up is MONO, 2.1, 5.1 etc ?

How about auto volume levelling/ loudness equalization , will it have reduced effect?


As long as you consciously hear the field, it works. Increasing the volume doesn’t increase (or reduce) the effect. You can reduce the volume to the barest whisper you can hear and it still works as well as full volume.


then using equalizer effects wont be a problem ?

my speaker can be set to CLassic (flat) and dynamic (bass boosted) , so either of those two is ok to use?


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another question

  1. for patreon MP3s do i need to still listen 2-3 times?

  2. can we change the file name in case of making playlist with repeats
    ex: abundance.mp3 ( original) to abundance1.mp3 abundance2.mp3 and so on ??

There are listening suggestions in many of the Patreon descriptions as well as reports posted here by our Forum friends in the fields’ respective threads. I would use these as guidelines while listening to your energetic and physical bodies (as well your own inner guidance) so that your own experience is to your liking.

In short, you’ll have to feel your way to the results that you want.


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thank you for your replies :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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If we have to listen to 3 physical fields such as:

  • Teeth Regeneration
  • The Height Booster
  • Extreme Fat Burn

if you want to add spiritual or in any case non-physical fields, you can listen to many more or would it be better to follow the indication of the limit of 4, since there are 3 physical fields?
Thank you

Since Im always with my pregnant wife (no playing of morphic fields) , can i use one wireless earbud while listening to fields , so that when she speaks i can hear her with my other ear??



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