Listening guidelines

Since “Redux” means revived, i think it means that dopamine levels are brought back to normal levels. Just a guess, i am not sure.


The Enlighted States FAQ states that it’s fine to listen to audios back to back. So listening to a “stack” all the way through is fine? Anybody break up different audios through the day? I listen to this stack all the way through.

Estrogen reduce

Anybody do anything different?

Yes, it’s fine to listen to a “stack” all the way through. You don’t need to break up the audios, that’s just what’s recommended in the FAQ here.


Hello, thank you for all the guidelines and advices.
I thought that it is not good to listen to more than three audios at the time. I guess I misunderstood. So just to confirm, we can create a ‘stack’ for desired area and listen it all the way?
Thank you!

Samuel mentioned earlier in this topic:


Hypothetical Alpha-Male Stack:

Unconditional Androstenol
Testosterone Boost ver 2.5
Reduce Estrogen
The DHT Overwhelming Presence
HGH Release v2.0 (Gumroad)
DHEA Boost
The Flow of Jing
Extreme Self Confidence
The Hand Of Glory


does fat reduction also include this? I listen to the glute workout, increase, and metabolic enhancement and fat reduction and lip plumper. So that would be 1 too much. I’ve reduced my playlist and listen to the subconcious limitation removal and hope to get results.

Which videos would you recommend for someone with ADD?

Thank you for the info. I just deleted all my youtube downloads and redownloaded them from patreon.

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Thanks for the info, very informative!

What is “the sapien trust” where can i find that?

It’s like patreon only on YT

I’m listening to this daily for 4 days now and my skin is becoming so smooth, clear fast like when I used Sap’s Collagen Booster video last year. I’ll continue using this for several months and see what happens.


On Google Play.
On Spotify.
On Apple Music.

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The Sapien Trust is a Channel Membership that offers a few perks like emojis
and a few experimental videos.
Video Explanation.

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Headphones are working for me quite good.

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Hypothetical Beauty Stack:

Full Body Detox x1
Antioxidant Formula x2
Facial Symmetry with Muscle Toning x3
Face Combination (Patreon, gumroad) x2
Stem Cells Targeted to Face, Scalp and Neck x2
Skin Regeneration x1
Skin Brightening and Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant x2
The Lip Plumper x2
HGH Release version 2.0 (gumroad) x1
Arm fat Removal x2
Double Chin Removal x2
Inner Beauty Reflected Outward (Dream Seeds) x2


What happens if you are 19 and you are healthier now than back when you were 16 - 18 years old. Will listening to Anti Aging ++++ cause adverse effects? Any potential dangers listening to this audio if you were not healthy around that age? Perhaps @Captain_Nemo can answer that as this is an important question.

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Dreamweaver said in the comments of Anti Aging ++++ that only cellular age is put back to around 16-18 years of age.

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Hypothetical Awake Stack:

The Hyper State Sleep x2
Caffeine and Energy Surge x1
Dopamine Receptor Repair x2
Dopamine Redux (Google Play, Spotify) x2
Gamma Brain Wave (Patreon) x1
Energy Overload (Instagram) x1
The Super Human Mutant (every 12 hours) x2
Acetylcholine Production (Patreon, The Sapien Trust) x1
The Sun Gazer (Dream Seeds) x1
Vitamin D Production x2
Far Infrared light therapy x1
Automated Cardio x2