Listening guidelines

The Sapien Trust is a Channel Membership that offers a few perks like emojis
and a few experimental videos.
Video Explanation.

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Headphones are working for me quite good.

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Hypothetical Beauty Stack:

Full Body Detox x1
Antioxidant Formula x2
Facial Symmetry with Muscle Toning x3
Face Combination (Patreon, gumroad) x2
Stem Cells Targeted to Face, Scalp and Neck x2
Skin Regeneration x1
Skin Brightening and Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant x2
The Lip Plumper x2
HGH Release version 2.0 (gumroad) x1
Arm fat Removal x2
Double Chin Removal x2
Inner Beauty Reflected Outward (Dream Seeds) x2


What happens if you are 19 and you are healthier now than back when you were 16 - 18 years old. Will listening to Anti Aging ++++ cause adverse effects? Any potential dangers listening to this audio if you were not healthy around that age? Perhaps @Captain_Nemo can answer that as this is an important question.

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Dreamweaver said in the comments of Anti Aging ++++ that only cellular age is put back to around 16-18 years of age.

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Hypothetical Awake Stack:

The Hyper State Sleep x2
Caffeine and Energy Surge x1
Dopamine Receptor Repair x2
Dopamine Redux (Google Play, Spotify) x2
Gamma Brain Wave (Patreon) x1
Energy Overload (Instagram) x1
The Super Human Mutant (every 12 hours) x2
Acetylcholine Production (Patreon, The Sapien Trust) x1
The Sun Gazer (Dream Seeds) x1
Vitamin D Production x2
Far Infrared light therapy x1
Automated Cardio x2


So that means that there are no potential side effects for using Anti Aging ++++? What do you think?

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I’m not sure, it’s better to ask Dreamweaver or sammyg about that.

IMO, since this audio is a cellular memory capture, your cell state when you were 16-18 years old will be revived.

Hypothetical ADD/ADHD Stack:

Hyper State Sleep x2
Stop Procrastinating
Unstoppable Willpower
Slow Down the Perception of Time
Dopamine Receptor Repair x2
Experimental Parkinson’s Audio Treatment x2
Dopamine Redux (Google Play, Spotify) x2
Depression Relief x2
Acetylcholine (Patreon, The Sapien Trust) x1
Superhuman Genius x2
Induce Creativity x3
Permanent Brain Enhancement x2
Brain Regeneration x3
Mindfulness x2


Hypothetical Sleep Stack:

Serotonin (feat. Atomic Rebel)
The Schuman Resonance
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
The Cbd Delta
Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage
Muscle Massage
Internal Organ Massage
Deep Bone Massage
Reiki Massage
Acupressure (Spotify)
Theta Brainwave State (Gumroad)
Melatonin Production
Sweet Dreams (while sleeping)


Hypothetical Anti-Anxiety Stack:

Alpha Brainwave State (gumroad)
Pregabalin (Patreon)
KCC2 Activation (Patreon)
Amygdala Healing (+Fear Release)
Trauma Release and Healing
Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Stress Relief
Hope and Happiness
A Belly full of laughter
Emotional Release
Alpha and Beta Endorphins
The Cbd Delta x3
Oxytocin + Neuropeptide Y (Patreon) x1 or x2
Depression the Relief
Serotonin (feat. Atomic Rebel)
BDNF (Patreon)
Automated Grounding
The Schuman Resonance
Utter Relaxation and Muscle Massage
Muscle Massage
Internal Organ Massage
Deep Bone Massage
Reiki Massage


What is this anti-aging ++++ you guys keep describing? Or where may I find said track please.

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Hi @Nytor

You would need to join Sapien Medicine YouTube Channel Membership then you’ll be able to see the material for members only which includes the Anti-aging video.

Hey I just asked SapienMedicine this is his answer: Speaker can work better but headphones is fine as well.

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@RazingTommy I would include there Vitamin C and Vitamin D also, and " (Far) UV - C light as a safer germicide and virus destroyer (energetically programmed audio)" too
Let see what @gpo would also suggest us, if he decided to write about Corona stack


Answer on your question is stated in this Topic Forum Here . And its answer from Samuel Garcia:
" Its logical really. Glory and Best Path In Life would conflict because they are polar opposites. Glory works on helping you reach your goal, even if its bad for you. Best Path leads you down the path that would make you happiest and sometimes, that means drifting away from your current goals.

Further detailed explanation about Best path and Glory you have in their website Here , if you scroll down


Thanks for that thorough post! I’ve been listening to the subconscious limits dissolver before listening to 4 weight loss audios both in the morning and evening. I’ve been doing this for over a month now
without results. Actually, I’ve gained 3 pounds because I’m starving all the time :joy: Any other thoughts on what I might do to get these fields working for me? Or maybe the updated website will offer a new, more effective product?

Can’t thank you enough x

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Hypothetical Virus Disruption & Immune System Strengthening Stack:

UV-C (while outside)
Corona Virus Disruption x3
Experimental Virus Disruption x3
Immune System Supercharger (every other week) x3
The Super Human Mutant (every 12 hrs) x2
Vitamin D Production x3
Lymphatic System Blockage Removal and Enhanced Drainage x2
Bone Marrow Strengthening and Enhancement x2
Endocrine System Rejuvenation (every other day) x2
Anti-Aging ++++ (Patreon, The Sapien Trust) x2
Telomere Regeneration (every other day - gumroad, enlightenedstates) x1
Glutathione x2
Antioxidant Formula x2
NMN (Patreon) x2
The Deep Organ Cleanse (every other day - Google Play, Spotify) x1
The Gentle Internal Healing (every other day -Google Play, Spotify) x1
The Enhanced Organ Functioning (every other day - Google Play, Spotify) x1
Bone and Organ Breathing x1
Schumann Resonance x1



The Sapien Trust audios currently available:
Sirt 3 and 6 Activation
Vitamin C
Oxytocin + Neuropeptide Y
Anti Aging ++++
Acetylcholine Production

There are also a few Wallpaper Artworks, energetically programmed I believe.
There are also a few Mandalas, found on Instagram as well.