Listening guidelines

Thanks Sam, it’s now crystal clear. Perfect explanation, easy to understand. I had one day when I first started listening where I ended up with a smashing headache in the evening and intuitively felt - too many videos!

I’m delighted by your speedy response, thanks again :)


Great explanation! Thank you for it, this really clears up the details. Really looking forward to the website revamp!


Kristiyan, if you would like to speed up your progress, I suggest listening to the following audios daily, in this order, with speakers:

Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning
Subconscious Limits Dissolver
Energy Blockage Removal
Love, Gratitude and Appreciation
Gynecomastia v2.0 x5

If you can meditate while listening that will give you better results. Also, if you believe that you already have the results you want that will help a lot.
If you listen to any additional Sapien audios that would slow down your progress.


I asked sapien the same exact thing, he told me it doesn’t matter how many fields for mental/vibe/mood changes, you can have for example good luck+ abundance + increased Brain power+ love+ Sub limit dissolver+ stop procrastinating… etc, just keep physical changes to 4 like growing taller + fixing teeth damage + vocal strength + muscle automation. Hope this helps


I have previously tried listening to the gynecomastia v2.0 5 times at once but it makes me tired and sleepy. I think that listening to it between 2 or 3 hours works better for me. I have tried meditating but I can’t seem to stop my thoughts.

You do not have to listen to gynecomastia v2.0 5 times at once, just 5 times per day
in order to speed up your progress. If that’s too much you could try listening 2-3 times daily.

To help with meditation, try the Alpha or Theta brainwave audios (on gumroad).
You could also try Sapien’s mindfulness audio.

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I will try that. Thanks for the tips!

Great answer! Thanks for being engaged.

Does anyone have any suggestions for which SM audios I could listen to for a hemorrhoid/anal fissure?


Any recommendations on how often to listen to the repair dopamine receptors and quit addiction audio?

Right now I’m doing twice a day back to back.


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It’s recommended on the FAQ on the website to listen once in the morning and once at night.


I just went into anaphylactic shock today eating shrimp while helping our neighbors move. It was the only thing I ate. This has happened before but this time I had to use my epipen because I have never experienced this bad of a reaction. I have had shrimp in the past two years without having a reaction. I looked up why it might be.

All food allergies are caused by an immune system overreaction. In shellfish allergy , your immune system mistakenly identifies a certain protein in shellfish as harmful, triggering the production of antibodies to the shellfish protein ( allergen ).

I have been using the far infrared light therapy, I have a infrared sauna. Just added the Klotho booster, and Bacteria Destroyer. Is there any others I should add to my list?

This all stemmed from having a cancerous tumor removed 3 years ago and I ended up getting a nasty infection. So bad I had 2 additional surgery’s and haven’t been able to eat shrimp freely like I used to. I can refrain from eating shrimp but I don’t want to be exposed and have a reaction.

Also, I seem to have an allergic reaction, even our youngest, with bug bites since we moved to the South. Swamp and river in our back yard. Mosquitos will bite others a couple times but my YO and I have more than 10. Our family has the same type O blood they are attracted to. Not just mosquitos, noseeums and ants. I had a friend say try raw garlic. While stationed in Korea she mentioned mosquitos were horrible but not for the farmers who ate raw garlic. Also they are attracted to lactic acid? Its in our food and our body makes this when low on oxygen so it converts glucose to energy. So, maybe the oxygen video and antioxidant?

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I personally use the balance chakras as well, subconscious limits, sea salt bath, solar plexus.


I’d like to know this as well so I can use one in the future.

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Immune System and oxygen


A common stack that’s seen to be found in the YouTube comments is:

Testosterone x2
DHT x2
Reduce Estrogen x2
Andro x2

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@Racem No, I have somewhere read video quality doesn’t matter, but what matters is only sounds, cause only through sounds energies are being transmitted to your aura or body energy system. So you can even listen it on 144p it doesn’t matter from my experience. Make sure you hear sounds.


I even think you don’t have to hear it. Body absorbs it anyway but probably its better to hear sound. Hope Sapien can confirm it.


@dasjhdasoda Just to clarify that


Thanks for answering. But i didn’t mean at zero volume, i mean like realy low.