Listening guidelines


As long as you consciously hear the field, it works. Increasing the volume doesn’t increase (or reduce) the effect. You can reduce the volume to the barest whisper you can hear and it still works as well as full volume.


then using equalizer effects wont be a problem ?

my speaker can be set to CLassic (flat) and dynamic (bass boosted) , so either of those two is ok to use?


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another question

  1. for patreon MP3s do i need to still listen 2-3 times?

  2. can we change the file name in case of making playlist with repeats
    ex: abundance.mp3 ( original) to abundance1.mp3 abundance2.mp3 and so on ??

There are listening suggestions in many of the Patreon descriptions as well as reports posted here by our Forum friends in the fields’ respective threads. I would use these as guidelines while listening to your energetic and physical bodies (as well your own inner guidance) so that your own experience is to your liking.

In short, you’ll have to feel your way to the results that you want.


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thank you for your replies :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

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If we have to listen to 3 physical fields such as:

  • Teeth Regeneration
  • The Height Booster
  • Extreme Fat Burn

if you want to add spiritual or in any case non-physical fields, you can listen to many more or would it be better to follow the indication of the limit of 4, since there are 3 physical fields?
Thank you

Since Im always with my pregnant wife (no playing of morphic fields) , can i use one wireless earbud while listening to fields , so that when she speaks i can hear her with my other ear??



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Hello :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a question.

Im coach in a gym, and sometimes dont have too much time to listen to preworkout stack before working out myself.

I wonder, would it possibly work is I listened on my phone which I have in my pocket walking around a gym with clients?

Thanks for replies and ideas!!


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Sure! I do this all the time.

ETA: Just be aware that the fields you’re playing can effect all those in your vicinity. You (and/or they) might not want that.


no play the same one in a row. if you want that wieght loss, take 3 weight loss field, and listen to each at least 10 times before switching. if it’s too much go less

I would do upper body one day and the next day do lower at least 5 days a week.

is okay to stop listening to an audio half way its playing?

most audios have a given duration because of the music that is played. But for longer audio, like 15 minutes +, the reason isn’t the music, but most likely that you need to listen to it the full length of the audio to maximize the results. my take

I haven’t read anywhere yet; can you listen to the fields while driving, or does the same rule apply to subliminals?

As long as you dont listen to the deep sleeper one you should be good to go.


There are a few others, but they tend to have warnings on them, so read the descriptions.

Example - Vagus Nerve stimulation.

I think even curse spell remover mentions something about strange experiences, so I wouldn’t play that or audios that have mentions of something similar.


General query and contemplation, assuming all factors influencing change are in equilibrium, would playing a Smart Field after a regular field ( both of the same/complementary category) results in a much enhanced ,well integrated and speeded results ? What do you guys think ?

I wanted to get all your thoughts on something:

Do you think I’d be able to put my speaker (JBL JR pop) under my pillow, and sleep while it plays? Will I still be able to absorb the field as long as I can hear it from behind the pillow (even if muffled)