Listening sapien extreme self confidence self esteem 6 hours while sleep. Audio is 10 min its mean 36 time in 6 hours. Is it any prablom if i listen it 36 time while i am sleep with wearing 2 mandala.
Thank you all
Listening sapien extreme self confidence self esteem 6 hours while sleep. Audio is 10 min its mean 36 time in 6 hours. Is it any prablom if i listen it 36 time while i am sleep with wearing 2 mandala.
Thank you all
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Thank you rigel
I agree with @rigel. Try it let us know.
Which 2 mandalas might influence our answers to you, though.
Are you meaning the Thor mandala and Thor tag you were asking about in your other question?
If so, this leads me to a question for you: What are you doing to heal the causes of your lack of self-confidence/self-esteem? You see, every baby in the world is born with self-confidence and self-esteem. It’s an innate part of their survival mechanisms.
No baby ever says, “No, don’t take my picture cuz I’m having a bad hair day or I’m a little pudgy today.” Babies (including you) are born chock full of self-esteem and full of themselves. It’s what drives us to learn how to crawl and to walk, even in the face of what seems to be some step odds.
It’s just that a lot of us (for a variety of reasons) get trained out of that innate knowing. And that’s all right because in that training-out-of, there were things of value for you, too.
But the thing is you’re going to want to heal that training-out-of. If you simply slam your energy system with self-confidence fields on top of that training-out-of without healing (so that you can keep the benefits and let everything else go), well, that’s like having a messy room with a floor that’s covered with sweaty socks; dirty underwear; rotten, half-eaten sandwiches.
Sure, you could try to lay a new carpet over all that (which is what you may be doing with your approach with your self-confidence/self-esteem fields and tags). And that might even look good for a while. But all that stuff (the underwear, the socks, the sandwiches, etc.) underneath the carpet are going to continue to fester and will eventually make themselves known again.
It’s much more effective (and will yield more satisfactory results) when you cl an out all that old crap in the first place. This is true for the messy room and it’s true for things like “self-confidence/self-esteem.”
This is where things like SLR, Ego Dissolution, the various forms of the PONR stack, and @JAAJ 's Self-Love Stack as well as the Crucible and Vibration Of series come in handy.
When you heal the stuff that trained-you-out-of your innate self-confidence/self-esteem, your self-confidence fields and tags will do a better job for you, so that you can use those sleeping hours for other fields as well, you see?
Thank you WellBeing
Again, I agree with Wellbeing
There are some fields that you can loop all night that I think are a bit more beneficial.
E.g. subconscious limits removal (I used to do that before the tag came out)
Love, gratitude and appreciation - this one is such a gentle sound, it won’t disturb your sleep at all
Unconditional love - this is also a “beep”
I would suggest to use the Become Whole audio for 1-2 hours a day (less if you’re using all the point of no return etc. fields) as well.
Of courses keep using the confidence audio 2-3 times a day.
But confidence comes naturally when you love and accept yourself the way you are, you’re not afraid of failure etc.
Thank you MonkeyOwl
For me self-esteem feels a bit too strong and maybe “shallow”? Something like inflating my ego. I’d only use it in very specific certain situations…yet I recommended it just yesterday as a more holistic field to take care of several things, to someone that is struggling with very negative and strong feelings and hormonal issues. They may seem unrelated but I’m sure with their lifestyle and what they are doing to overcome their problems, extreme self-esteem could do that.
So yeah, I’d use it a sort of band-aid but not fix but what do I know? If Dream created it he had an intention and people that could benefit in mind. But I’d use self-acceptance before self-esteem.
Thank you Drift