Has anyone tried this with success? As we can wear multiple advanced fields at the same time, I wonder if we can listen to multiple audios at the same time (unpleasant as it may be) and get results. Clearly there’s something in this as Sapien has made combo audios like the Weight Loss Combo (Patreon).
Interesting question. Bump.
Decided I’ll experiment with this idea today, using some fields.
Please let us know what happens. I’ve tried this once but it will take me more time to know how well it works.
I can’t remember where I saw it but I think so too. It was like you could play DHT and Testosterone at the same time or maybe even Cloaking and Cutting Etheric Chords at the same time… that sort of thing.
I tried it for Brain Regeneration and Weight Loss Combo today and things seem fine.
Perfect! This is definitely not something that most people know about.
I found this as a question in this FAQ:
Hmm…that seems to contradict the general direction that the previous answer was going for.
I found this in the comments of this article:
Well that settles it. 1 at a time guarantees proper listening. I’m guessing the combo audios have extra work put in to morphogenetically embed information equivalent to the sum of the underlying concepts to make them conceptual “combos.” Seems that’s listening to multiple fields is a toss-up at best.
That answer was for binaural beats and isochronic tones though
I gave this a try yesterday, I had my regular playlist on one player and tried the Slow Down Time on my phone. I didn’t feel the same sensations in my body as I usually do when playing my regular playlist. Whether the effects worked, I don’t know.