Lists Of Hypothetical Stacks

how would fat to stem cells help teeth?


Anyone feel inspired to update this anti-aging stack? Iā€™ve been using it for a couple of months (only the free fields and I dropped The Super Human Mutant because I didnā€™t like how it made me feel) and since its creation weā€™ve had such gems released as plasma mitochondria, DNA repair and others. Iā€™d like to include those but do they maybe replace some of these? Also BoL and plasma brain might be a nice bonus in this. Iā€™m looking for all-around rejuvenation while saving up for the plasma protocol. Thatā€™s the premium at the moment, right?

Any thoughts on the ideal orderā€¦ ?

Thanks bunches in advance!

Can anyone share their stacks, primarly from the females?

Want to share them with my mother.

If I can curate one myself to see if she benefits, definitely will post here.

Thanks guys.

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I can for sure, but tell me more about your mom and what her wants are at the moment because what I want may not be what she wants

Also please share her level of energy sensitivity and how used to fields is she


She is not at all familiar with morphic fields, but I know she is an energy sensitive person, very intuitive and emotionally sound/ great EQ,etc. so you could definitely feel effects I think.

She is just might have some religious hinderances, so I want to use audios that are quite subtle like the frequency ones with no music, etc. so can play without conscious awareness,etc.

Anways anything for beauty and mental/shen restoration. To repair physical mental stress and restore the initial wonders for her.

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Give me some time to think about it, I should be able to get you a good stack within 48 hrs

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Amazing : )

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Okay. I take everything literally and so I found the only fields in all my playlists that do not have music/barely have music. This narrowed it down pretty well.

Parad energies
Subconscious limits remover no music, Patreon
Nullify/amplify planets
Pranayama training
Bone and organ breathing
Utterrelax OR far infrared old version
Facial symmetry patreon
Conceptual realizations (thereā€™s some music but itā€™s really



Add the following for emf

Orgone Accumulator - transmuting radiation
Amethyst Clouds
Seasons of Green Flourite
Larvikite - felt very grounded so this may play a factor in emf i could be wrong. Ill try it out

Source for such suggestions


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@gpo - Thank you for all these beautiful stacks.
How about a pain stack?
What fields would you guys suggest?

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When I put ā€œpainā€ in the forum search engine, it gives more than 50 answers, such as New Release: Pain Control 2.0 (Experimental smart field). Check it out.


Somehow overlooked your wealth stack here i think