Liver Fat Reducer
Fatty liver disease (steatosis) is a common condition caused by having too much fat build up in your liver. A healthy liver contains a small amount of fat. It becomes a problem when fat reaches 5% to 10% of your liver’s weight.
There are two main forms of fatty liver disease:
Alcoholic liver disease
Alcoholic fatty liver is the accumulation of fat in the liver as a result of heavy drinking. (Moderate drinking is defined as one drink a day for women and up to two drinks per day for men.) About 5% of people in the U.S. have this form of liver disease.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease occurs in people who aren’t heavy drinkers. The condition affects one in three adults and one in 10 children in the United States. Researchers haven’t found the exact cause of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Several factors, such as obesity and diabetes, can increase your risk.
(clevelandclinic excerpt)
This works actively on metabolizing the fat, using a few combinations of other techniques in other other audios.
2-3 times usually is a good start.


@anon28864632 where you at!??!?!?!


Thank you, Captain. I need this one, and fortunately, do not drink. :sparkling_heart:


Important also for those who don’t digest well and produce a lot of aldehydes through fermentation of starch and other material.


Thanks :partying_face:


My mom has fatty liver disease due to the reaction of estrogen blocker which was given to her for breast cancer. She says whenever she listens to this she feels pins and needles all over her body. Is this normal? @Captain_Nemo

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I would expect her to feel around her liver.
Not really her whole body.


Might that just be the way she experiences energy?

As someone who could make better lifestyle choices, this is saving my future for when I’m ready.

Thank you so so much. This is doing more than the liver cirrhosis one did. I can feel the difference far more drastically.


She even used the liver ver2.0 before this but nothing like this happened. She says it feels like the effects of the hormonal medications given to her to induce menopause during her cancer treatment. The same pins and needles feeling.

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When will this get on Patreon?
Thnx @Captain_Nemo


I didn’t even know there was a new field on Liver till I got an e-mail from Patreon after it was uploaded few hrs back.

Thanks Captain, very much needed this!


Cross-posting this excellent information here because I think it would be of interest for people looking at this field:


Has anyone looped this one more than 2 to 4 times? I really need to get my fatty liver fixed and I’m just wondering how far I could push this field. I use the Liver Cirrhosis, Fat to Stem Cells amd Plasma Protocol 2 also.


Just stick to the recomended listening time and over the course of a few weeks or maybe months you will get much better.


What @tagler2 said. Plus, if you’re not already doing so, Intermittent Fasting and Keto diets have been shown to be useful for this condition.


Thanks @tagler2 and @WellBeing . I’ve been using it 4 times a day almost every day since it was released so I’ll keep going with :ok_hand:t3:
I do intermittent fasting but not by choice, it’s mainly because no food agrees with me so I usually eat once or twice a day at most but in amounts that would be suitable for a toddler.
The days I feel adventurous and eat like a normal person, I always end up extremely unwell for days/weeks. Thanks for the advice :pray:t3:

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I’m curious, how do you know you have a fatty liver? And what’s causing that?

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Ultrasounds. I’ve had fatty liver for years. My ALT, AST and Gamma GT bloods are always very high. Doctors always seem to say its from having a bad diet and too much alcohol but my diet is not bad and my alcohol intake is very low (For an Irishman) basically because if I over indulge in any of it, I would not be able to move from the bed for a few weeks. It would usually be 2 or 3 times in a year for special occasions where I will let myself go out for dinner with my girlfriend or a few pints with my friends for a few hours and know that I will suffer for days after, just for that couple of hours of normality. I have friends who are borderline alcoholics and their blood results would be nowhere near as high as my results would be. That’s why It annoys me a bit when doctors assume it’s because of bad diet and alcohol, and when I mention that I know its not because of both of those I usually just get a shoulder shrug.

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