Long hair spiritual benefits?

Hi guys, wanted to know if having long hair gives some benefits in some spiritual ways. I did read some things from some yogis that supposedly they aid in harnessing universal energies etc.

So I was interested if anyone got similar experiences or any thoughts about it.

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Quite a few cultures have this idea. Jamaicans and locs, Indigenous cultures and long hair, religions etc.

IMO what’s ideal is taking your head and treating it as your connection to essence if you have hair or don’t. Don’t let people touch your head willy-nilly.

Cleanse your scalp energetically and bless it regularly. If you have hair, cleanse the length of your hair energetically as a daily practice. You’ll feel the difference.

I’ve had long hair for most of my life, and also had long locs. I shaved them when they carried an essence I no long wanted. It was my first time shaving my head. When all of the hair was gone my crown felt like a beam of light, it felt so pure and strong. I loved the energetic clarity of having a shaved head. It felt like nothing was acting as an antenna to other people’s energy and I was closer to God. :star2::butterfly:


i usually have my hair loooong, it connects me more to earth, hair are like antennas etc, and other reasons lol

but its my belief that the hair keeps the energy of all the things happening to us good or bad, so if ive gone through a rough period or a very transformative one then i can just feel when all those memories, emotions, experiences are now weighing heave on me so i chop it off short, like i go from having it down the beginning of my butt or a little lower all the way to the end of the neck or at the chest heigh just like that. and it feels soooo goood and freeing i love it.


In an esoteric book I read once it was claimed that Fae tend to play with and like to sit in long hair apparently

But my view personally is similar to Luna’s - it connects you to the spiritual and energetic world more when it’s long (the book also said that that’s the reason why today’s society encourages men to keep it short… )


The Long hair means strong big antennass between you and the universe.
It upholds the connection to the supreme creator.

  • it inbuilts acceptance of the the gift of divine (as of you are accepting your body as it is) and token of respect to divine. ULtimately induces self love, worth

Think here: If you give a give to a person and person don’t like the gift i.e. wants some changes. This way he can’t respect the gift , how can he respect the giver.
Now think this as your body is a gift by the divine creator. You are the recever. You respect the body. you respect the giver. Giver gets happy. blessings on the way/

Apart from this , Long hair definitely help in spiritual evolution, your intuition become good, gets easy with psychic abilities, ultimately blessing in every sector of life.

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I am bald and that is why I will never become enlightened. :frowning:


:rofl::rofl: ultimate thing

