Looking for advice to shorten my stack

I have been using audios some people have recommended and i’ve found them extremely beneficial but I feel as if my stack is too long and i’m looking to reduce it.

For context, I want to eliminate brain fog and increase mental clarity, be more confident and outgoing, have more energy and gratitude, attract abundance and opportunities, and increase verbal acuity and be more articulate with my thoughts. Please let me know if you can provide any feedback or if some of the audios aren’t relevant to my goals. Thank you so much!

Nullify Negative Planetary Effects
Amplify Positive Planetary Effects
Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach
Internal Alchemical Crucible
Abundance Mindset
Million Dollar Empire Mindset
Probability Alteration and Luck
Plasma Charged Mitochondria
Unconditional Androstenol
Automated Grounding

Afternoon (Brain Stack):
Enp66 Enzyme
Superhuman Genius
Mstate Gold and Silver
Nitric Oxide Booster
Tdcs and NGF
Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity


Welcome @Synergy,

Ah… such reasonable and moderate stacks compared to mines… :p

Do you have the chance to listen stacks at night (while sleeping)? = time gainer (sort of).

Or to get Nullify and Amplify as tags?

Also: Probability and Luck best on top (advice gotten from _OM and Uial), Plasma Mitochondria right after the Plasma Light…

Your brain stack has some general principles from Philip’s last update (see below). He suggested to alternate Hydrogen and Alchemical Blend (Mstates), so this can be a time saver too.

What else? Ah yes: Blarney Stone for articulate thoughts.

I’m probably not the best address to give minimalistic ideas :))) so let’s see what Luna is typing :p

Best wishes!


Confidence booster
Abundance mindset


Is there a 2n and 3rd part stack lists coming up? :blush:

Cause that day is short haha

Youd faint seeing my daily stacks lol

Or @GoddessesAndGod own :laughing:

Anyway welcome!!!

And what the Ms @Bronyraur is suggesting is great :blush:


Lol i just read the last part @Bronyraur

Im just about to zzzzzz ill be back and check if no one has helped shortening the list :two_hearts:


Confidence booster
Abundance mindset

What I mean with this is to give a point of bare essentials. Alzheimer is underrated because most of nowadays’ brain fog comes from overconsumption of dopamine-stimulating activity, not allowing your body to heal and detox efficiently. That one detoxes your brain.

You could do that a few days then switch Alzheimers out for 2 or 3 rounds of Superhuman Genius and add the Hemisphere field or Growth (can also do this on seperate days), etc.

Saves you a lot of time, easily listened to in the morning and if you want to, you can still have an evening stack.

Also make sure to full body detox once in a while.


Haha i was thinking the same thing when i clicked on this thread, i was like hmmmmm if only he said “lengthen” and not “shorten” :laughing:


a suggested process i have is:

  • identify how short you want your stacks to be.
  • from your current stacks, identify those that you can take off.
  • if you still want to use the morphic fields you took away from your original stack, you could try a Day 1, Day 2, etc cycle.

the morphic fields will all still be here, and new ones may come that will replace current ones.

focus on fewer goals! you’ll achieve all of your goals eventually.

i shared to a forum friend that they could focus on goals that are foundational so they can reach their ‘higher goals’.


Thank you so much for the suggestion! Unfortunately I can’t sleep with any of the audios as i’m a very light sleeper. Thats a great idea, I will purchase the tags which would save me some time. I just started using Blarney Stone after your recommendation and have already noticed a significant improve in my vocabulary. You provided some awesome ideas! Cheers.

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Lol I thought I had a huge stack compared to others! I guess not :laughing: Thank you so much, I’m excited about being apart of this incredible community!

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Thank you for the suggestion! What about the autism field? Is it necessary to put both in my stack or just the Alzheimer one? Also would I lose any progress if I alternated Alzheimers for one day and then Superhuman genius, Hemisphere, Growth on another day?

Very nice points! Thank you :smile:

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Thank you for the suggestion! That should save me some time. Would you recommend abundance or million dollar empire for prosperity and opportunity? Which do you feel is more essential?

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They go hand in hand so just try to squeeze them in your day :relieved::sunglasses:


Nah, you don’t lose any progress.

You could play autism field once every day, or every other day. It’s a good field. Type ‘axon trimmer’ in the search bar and see if it’s applicable to you.

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