Looking for input on upcoming release: Akephalos

The Akephalos ritual, headless rite, bornless rite. I have seen much positive success in my own workings. And now the time draws near for me to release an energetic version of it.

I have so far preferred Gordon White’s version in my own practice. Any suggestions on additions/subtractions/replacements?

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I´ve not seen him presenting it in his work. Do you mean Gordon White?

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I have edited it, and yes, I do mean Gordon White.

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I´ve not done the Bornless Ritual for the last 15 years. But I use the Spell to Helios (PGM IV. 1596-1715) quite a bit when I consecrate Talismans. Even though I rearrange and insert my own work, it never loose power.

I think you can use any version you feel good about. The results will be the same.

Great idea to make an energetic version of it!


Funny story. A pentacle consecration field is in my near future to-dos. I am kinda doing my own thing. Basing part of it on the Spell to Helios, which will be a field unto itself. That one will be a silent subliminal of the spell with audible music, but instead of invoking the power of Helios into an object, the oration will invoke it directly into the audio vibrations for the personalized blessings of Helios.


The Spell to Helios wound up coming first. I do not necessarily equate this with power, but the physical density is huge (I tend to think this will decrease with use as the Blessings of Helios integrate into your reality, but maybe not). I couldn’t even finish it the first time.