Looking for some thoughts on a current experience

I have purchased Maha Ganapati Yagna last night, and put it on loop as i went to sleep.
Immediately, i felt something happening to my right leg, mostly from knee down, under the calf as a centre point
Now, i remember that 1.5-2 years ago i woke up mid night as i felt that something had stung me exactly in that spot, but didn`t feel any pain, just some pressure, pressure that i have sometimes felt randomly since then when walking, running, or listening to other fields, some of them being the parasite field, plasma combo 1 to name a couple
Now i’ve started playing this again, and the sensation is the same as last night, a sort of intense acu-automaton + microkinesi fields working there
Does anyone have any idea what is happening?


a negative entety or a blokage the Maha is trying to get rid of


i`ve used all of the other removal, clearing audios, but this is the most intense i’ve ever felt on my leg


Mahaganapati is associated with the Root chakra. Perhaps - Root Chakra audio and Grounding ones may help?


wasntot in the description that it also boosts the positive sort of speak it boosts your clearing…?

I have some energetic blockages that showed up and are felt as I fell asleep, I think it’s because the suspension of thoughts releases resistance and energy seeks to flow, but is blocked.

So that may be why you feel it at night, the audio is simply removing it as has been mentioned :smiley:

In any case it does feel like that’s positive, it’ll be interesting what happens as a result. Certainly I’d love to know how it progresses if you care to make an update :smiley:

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just that it removes obstacles.
just reminded me of this coin

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I really like that!!

Not related but somehow reminded of one of my favourite sentences in the whole yial yierld: “can’t be a victim and a master at the same time”

So true!

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