Looking for unboosted Enhanced APE

Got the old version on a quantum energy pendant. Really wanted the photosynthesis addition. Anyone selling an unboosted Enhanced APE tag? :slight_smile:


Anybody still have the description??

I still remember
strength increase
Endurance increase
Healing increase
Accident avoidance (?)

Anything else ?

Found it. This is is the old version witout the photosynthesis, though.

" Athletic performance enhancement items help you achieve the results you want faster than any other method. Within hours instead of weeks of even days you will experience an increase in strength, endurance, speed and energy. These psychically imbued items also provide protection from psychic attacks and physical dangers including help avoiding accidents.

The benefits extend beyond the athlete to all people who’d like to improve physical performance. men, women young and especially senior citizens will find these items priceless

Seniors often find functional performance difficult. This jewelry will give grandma or grandpa the boost needed to get around better and it will speed up any healing process their body is undergoing by at least 300%.

The active fields imbued in these items are based on an organic model. That means they will gain strength over time while resisting change from outside sources. The longer you use the item the more powerful it will become. See Creating Psychic Power Jewelry.

Enhancements for Physical / Athletic Performance

This is one of our most complex and powerful field sets

Strength: Increases by about 10%
Speed: Increases by about 5%
Endurance: Increases by 300 to 500%
Healing speed: Increases by 300% to 500%
Fear: diminished by around 600%
Energy: Increased by about 200%
Shielding Protection: Both psychic shielding AND active defense protection, which will help you stay out of harms way and help dangerous things avoid YOU.
This is a must for anyone going into a potentially dangerous situation, such as a war zone, people in competitive sports and anyone who likes to live on the edge."


This sounds amazing now I want this one with photosynthesis!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: