Looking to trade Social Mastery for Eternal Bliss

As the title states, is anyone interested trading advanced pendants? My tag is not boosted - I’m looking for the same.

I have the newer version on a custom citrine copper chain pendant (quite beautiful)

Or the older version on a Quantum Energy Pendant

Based in the US, would prefer to do it there so there aren’t any issues regarding shipping!


I have both of these, and it is just my opinion, but I wear Social Mastery much more often than Eternal Bliss. I once reached out to Captain because I didn’t feel like Eternal Bliss was working and asked him to check on it. I don’t feel much of anything on the Bliss one, is all I am saying, where as I definitely notice the effects of Social Mastery.

Both of mine were custom’s placed on nice pieces of jewelry, so I am not willing to trade.

Just one person’s opinion…


I have eternal bliss

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