Looks, Youth(ing) Hacks, Anti Aging Tips

What do you guys think?
Can Breathing Through Your Nose Make Your Face More Attractive?
Can mouth-breathing change looks for the worse (long-term)?

What Youth(ing) Hacks/Anti Aging Tips you know about? What can you share with us? You can include fields as well, but also, besides fields?

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I was actually trying to create a thread with anti aging tips. Not necessary only about fields.


I’ll write a bit about my protocol later.

One of my best discoveries was cold water therapy and breathing exercises.
Health theory by Tom Biley. Wonderfull YT channel Certain suplements and gua sha massage.:wink:

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Personally found this channel quite useful - Beauty over 50 on a budget - YouTube

It’s more about body sculpting, but advice is solid, just be aware that actually only 3.0 Unoseition models achieve near anything close to semi-professional power output, namely aim for 100W non-S-shape handle (S-shapes for some reason don’t go as high). But all machines recommended there are good, even lower level LW-101 like model and its Aliexpress clones, one just have to stay consistent.

Success in manifesting your ideal outlook!


This is one of my favorites.

She alsoi Has nice interview on Health Theory.


Personally I would also name Nat Niddam Nathalie Niddam - YouTube and Faraz Khan https://antiaginghacks.net/ from the biohacking for anti-aging. But I must be honest, the most significant case of actually looking younger that I know is famous actual biohacker Jo Zayner, like lost 15 years, after MtF transition :slightly_smiling_face: So utility of non-extreme methods is unclear.