Looping Environmental Fields

Is it ok to loop fields like white light waves for a whole day? Will it have any negative affects? Ik that too much of anything is bad but if the point of a field is to spread the area with light or love energy then shouldn’t it be a good thing to have it on for more than just 2 or 3 hours? Same thing for Blessing For The Hearth field. If someone wants to help his family or friends in secret with these audios why not have them on 24/2?


As far as I know environmental fields are fine to loop. I loop Plasma Flower Node 24/7 and I have done it with Feng Shui Master of the Shire.

Here’s what Maoshan said in another thread:

I use them as a Radio stack which I turn on when I leave home and it keeps playing this stack in a loop. I turn it off when I am back home from work (sometimes I keep it on all the time even when I am at home, at a very low volume). Environmental Fields Thread


I’ve used leyline point for hours some days, feels quite good - although birds and wasps seem to get attracted to me!


That is very reassuring :heart: Thanks a lot for the response

Yes, I don’t see any problem with that. If anything it will have positive effects on people and the environment where it is played. Looping non-environmental audios could be overwhelming to a person because people have energy systems that could get overwhelmed or fatigued.

That’s my opinion on the matter, hope it helps.

By the way, I loop Feng Shui, The Plasma Flower Node Point etc. whenever I can, usually when I am not listening to non-environmental audios.


It’s like you have a Disney princess powers lol. Seems like it’s worth it though.

So being in a good environment technically wouldn’t fatigue you at all. Makes a lot of sense. But i heard that the blessings for the hearth transforms energy patterns in the body of those around its area. Would that not fatigue them?

Knowing people have positive experiences with it helps a lot.

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My girlfriend has tried fields, and she doesn’t buy into them.

I play environmental fields all the time, sometimes she does say she feels tired, other times she’s bursting with energy.

If she complains she’s tired, I use headphones, or turn it off.


I think that being in a good environment should reduce fatigue and give you energy. For example, when I first started looping The Plasma Flower Node Point overnight in the same room I was sleeping, I found it difficult to fall asleep. But overtime one gets used to the positive environment.

Regarding Blessings of the Hearth, I don’t have a lot of experience with this audio, it may transform your energy patterns indirectly from being in that environment, but when you are in a positive environment you have more energy, but the audio is specifically an environmental audio, any effects on the body’s energy system will not be as pronounced as a non-environmental audio, that is my experience.


I sometimes feel tired or sleepy from environmental fields, but that’s because i was already supposed to rest but my body got used to the restless state i go in a lot. Not a specialist but maybe it’s the same with her.

Actually this audio very strong. Same also with Plasma Flower. I only play this audio when I not at home. Stop playing this audio when I at home cause this audio disturb my sleep. Change to something smooth environment audio like Atmospheric Vibration Riser or Sacred Places( Energetic Alchemy). My experiences the white light waves better play at office or when you walking outside like shopping at mall


Glad to know :heart: Thanks for sharing your experience

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Be that as it may, my house really needs some light energy in it :sweat_smile:. Though I didn’t know the sacred places album was environmental.