Lost in life

So I just got into a “negative state” again and am guessing it is going to be like this for a while.

I just don’t know why it so hard to improve, I don’t know why I can’t do anything in life. It’s annoying me so much. I need advice, how do I pick myself up.

How to do improve, I want to get rid of guilt and shame.

Life hard and it’s really annoying me. This negative state happens a random times through the day and they go when I go to sleep I guess.

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With these tools, it doesn’t have to be going like this for a while.

This is the “state” talking and (I say this kindly) it’s talking smack to you. I don’t know you but I can honestly and certainly say that this is an outright lie that your state is trying to get you to believe.

You made your post and you opened your thread. Those are 2 things that you can do in life. You turned on your computer (at some point) and you got onto the Internet and onto this forum. 3 more things. You continue to breathe ← That’s a BIGGIE. That’s something that you can do.

Now, I get it. It’s easy to take a sort of negative score, especially when that’s what you’ve been practicing and when you now have a negative state sort of egging you on.

And here’s the thing. Our brains are “lazy.” Well, not really, but they are wired for homeostasis, meaning they want to keep things stable. And most of the time that really serves us.

But there’s a flip side to that, which is that part of what our brains like to keep stable includes our states. This means it takes deliberate and conscious decision to start doing things differently, so that our brains will catch up. For example, if you’re inclined to sit around and count all of what’s going wrong (and that’s something that’s contributing to your state), then a really helpful thing is to deliberately and consciously decide to do something different, like go for a jog and start counting your blessings. Or laughter yoga.

And I warn you. You’ll have to deliberately stick with your decision because that homeostasis thing is going to want to pull you back into the existing state. Not to punish you but because it’s way easier to continue to do what you’re already doing than it is to start doing new things.

We’ve got lots of fields to help you with that. Point of No Return (the free stacks or the paid field), Depression Be Gone, the various trauma healing fields–you can find these using the forum search engine (that little magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of every page of this forum).

Sammy has even created an awesome list of stacks for you: Ultimate List of Morphic Field Stacks.

One more thing you CAN do: you can ask your question in a place (here) where help is available for you.


Wow, this post could have been written by my past self. We all make mistakes, to learn from them. Please don’t give up. Maintaining a higher vibrational status will be an ongoing task possibly for the rest of our lives, and spiritual growth is often non-linear. Isn’t it wonderful that you have the awareness to recognise that you have immense potential? I have also been where you are, and it is a bit of a process to unravel the knot of trauma and self inflicted suffering but it is very achievable! I would like to recommend focussing on self-love as a good foundation to get out of this “state”. Perhaps sapien’s fields focussing on self-love, or self-love subliminals made by reputable creators as these helped me tremendously initially in my journey. The subconscious mind must be tamed. I wish you well my friend x


Set the intention, see the logical mind will try it’s best, but the ego loves comfortably so it’ll resist and reinforce your current condition.

Set your intention to get get rid of that guilt, shame. Please start with the earliest memory you have that gives you those emotions and accept them for what they have taught you. Learn to love those moments for the lessons they might have taught you and integrate them back into you cause the more your reject yourself, the more you push outside of yourself.

You wouldn’t give a gift to someone you hate… Now imagine you are that person you hate… See how that affects everything you do for yourself or don’t do? Integrate what you are.

I personally use Primorial Spark as it’s meant to do things like this, the beauty of it is that you set the intention on it and focus on the memory and just love yourself in that moment that it happened, don’t try to analyze it or break it down so you can then love it just love it with the intention of letting go of anything that no longer serves you.