LPR / Silent reflux please help :(

For the moment I will stick to
gallbladder help,
liver cirrhosis
liver fat reducer.

I listened to them yesterday before sleep. Will do it again today, hope it helps

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Astaxantina va bene per H. Pylori


thank you I’m going to look into this

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ChatGPT: Aloe vera is a natural remedy that is often used to soothe and calm digestive symptoms, including acid reflux and LPR. Aloe vera contains compounds that can help to reduce inflammation and irritation in the esophagus and throat.

One study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that aloe vera juice was effective at reducing symptoms of acid reflux, including heartburn, regurgitation, and dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). Another study published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Health found that aloe vera was effective at reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the esophagus of rats with acid reflux.

While aloe vera may be helpful for some people with acid reflux and LPR, it’s important to note that it can have potential side effects, such as diarrhea or abdominal pain. It’s also important to choose a high-quality aloe vera product that is free of additives or preservative.


  1. Yeh ZT, et al. Aloe vera for treating acute and chronic wounds. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;4(4):CD008762. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008762.pub3.
  2. Zhang Y, et al. Efficacy and safety of aloe vera syrup for the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease: A pilot randomized positive-controlled trial. J Tradit Chin Med. 2015;35(6):632-638.
  3. Hosseini SM, et al. Effects of Aloe vera and sucralfate on gastric microflora and stress-induced gastric mucosal damage in rats. J Environ Sci Health C Environ Carcinog Ecotoxicol Rev. 2017;35(2):73-81. doi: 10.1080/10590501.2017.129524

Some natural remedies and lifestyle changes may be helpful for LPR. Here are a few:

  1. Dietary modifications: Avoiding trigger foods, such as caffeine, alcohol, acidic foods, and spicy foods, can help to reduce acid reflux and LPR symptoms. Eating smaller, more frequent meals and avoiding eating close to bedtime can also be helpful.
  2. Weight loss: Losing weight, if overweight or obese, can help to reduce pressure on the stomach and reduce acid reflux and LPR symptoms.
  3. Elevating the head of the bed: Elevating the head of the bed by about 6-8 inches can help to prevent stomach acid from flowing back up into the throat and voice box.
  4. Throat-soothing remedies: Drinking warm liquids, such as tea with honey, or using throat lozenges or sprays that contain ingredients like honey, marshmallow root, or slippery elm can help to soothe the throat and reduce inflammation.
  5. Probiotics: As I mentioned earlier, probiotics can help to promote gut health and reduce inflammation, which may be helpful for LPR.
  6. Stress management: Stress and anxiety can exacerbate reflux symptoms, so finding ways to manage stress, such as through meditation, yoga, or exercise, may be helpful.

Thanks for your help that’s kind to have taken the time.
Yes I’ve just ordered Aloe Vera juice, probiotics, papaya enzymes.
I will start cabbage juice too. And meditation, because my stress level is very high at the moment.
I can live with the pain from time to time, it is manageable since last time I’ve posted a few months ago now it’s almost gone, but this swallowing non-sense is what bothers me since almost 3 years.
Let’s hope from my heart this goes away.
Thanks again for your kind attention, and special warm thanks to @gdplex he knows why


Also DGL … this has helped me a lot


Yes I think it contributed to ease my pain too, I still take it from time to time thanks for the reminder

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Is the swallowing problem not caused by a form of reflux or heartburn?

I used to have a swalling problem (I think I still do, I just drink and eat mindfully, constrolling my breath), I think caused by reflux.

All symptoms came from taking medication for something else. The medication worked on the nervous system (it wasn’t a nervous system problem, but alas…doctors…)

This is like a very long shot, but if nothing else works, try healing the nervous system and brain.

Also use intercession fields if you can.

On some biohacker forums, some folks have reported success in treating LPR using Magnesium Alginate or Brown Sea Kelp derived supplements.

  • If you have weight issues, that is the first thing which will help - lose excess weight
  • Microbiome Imbalance is also a good thing to address

@Drift yes I think it’s either due to a reflux problem (caused by the bacteria H Pylori probably in my case) or a vagus nerve problem (the nerve that controls every organ in the body, digestive ones included. It’s weak in my body I know it.
I don’t have acidic sensation but reflux can be alcalin too. Like in silent reflux (LPR)

@Maoshan_Wanderer I am taking magnesium bysglinate but I’ll look into this form too thanks. I’ve ordered kelp yesterday for iodine intake I am suspecting a lack of iodine too.
I’m already very slim I can’t lose more weight.
I’ve ordered probiotic strains that are good against Pylori I hope they will rebalance my microbiote.
Thank you much guys your help means a lot to me.


For the rest of forum readers:

ChatGPT Generated : Helicobacter pylori is a type of bacteria that can cause gastritis, ulcers, and other digestive problems. While some natural remedies may help reduce the symptoms of H. pylori infection, antibiotics are usually required to eliminate the bacteria completely.

Here are some natural remedies that may help alleviate symptoms of H. pylori infection:

  1. Probiotics: Consuming probiotic-rich foods, such as yogurt and kefir, may help improve gut health and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract.
  2. Green tea: Some studies have suggested that drinking green tea may help reduce the amount of H. pylori bacteria in the stomach.
  3. Garlic: Garlic has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, and some studies have suggested that it may help reduce the number of H. pylori bacteria in the stomach.
  4. Mastic gum: Mastic gum is a resin obtained from the mastic tree, and has been traditionally used to treat digestive problems. Some studies have suggested that mastic gum may help reduce symptoms of H. pylori infection, including ulcers and gastritis.
  5. Cranberry juice: Some studies have suggested that cranberry juice may help reduce the number of H. pylori bacteria in the stomach, possibly due to its antibacterial properties.
  6. Honey: Honey has been shown to have antibacterial properties and may help reduce the number of H. pylori bacteria in the stomach. However, more research is needed to determine its effectiveness in humans.
  7. Broccoli sprouts: Broccoli sprouts are a rich source of sulforaphane, a compound that has been shown to have antimicrobial properties. Some studies have suggested that consuming broccoli sprouts may help reduce the number of H. pylori bacteria in the stomach.

Here are some references to studies on natural remedies for H. pylori infection:

  1. Probiotics:
  • Zhang, M., et al. (2015). Effect of probiotics on glucose metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
  • Tong, J. L., et al. (2007). Meta-analysis: the effect of supplementation with probiotics on eradication rates and adverse events during Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy.
  1. Green tea:
  • Mousavi, S. M., et al. (2019). Effect of green tea on Helicobacter pylori infection: A meta-analysis.
  • Negishi, H., et al. (2019). Tea consumption and the risk of Helicobacter pylori infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies.
  1. Garlic:
  • O’Gorman, P., et al. (2018). The antimicrobial activity of garlic extracts against Helicobacter pylori in vitro.
  • Bayan, L., et al. (2014). Garlic: a review of potential therapeutic effects.
  1. Mastic gum:
  • Dabos, K. J., et al. (2010). The effect of mastic gum on Helicobacter pylori: a randomized pilot study.
  • Huwez, F. U., et al. (1998). Mastic gum kills Helicobacter pylori.
  1. Cranberry juice:
  • Zhang, Q., et al. (2018). Effectiveness of cranberry juice on Helicobacter pylori infection: A double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled trial.
  • Gupta, P., et al. (2017). In vitro efficacy of cranberry against Helicobacter pylori.
  1. Honey:
  • Kamaruddin, M. Y., et al. (2019). The effectiveness of honey for Helicobacter pylori eradication: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Al-Hariri, M. T., et al. (2013). In vitro antimicrobial activity of honey against common gynecologic pathogens.
  1. Broccoli sprouts:
  • Yanaka, A., et al. (2009). Sulforaphane enhances the inhibitory effect of 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin against human gastric cancer MKN45 cells.
  • Kim, J. H., et al. (2014). The effect of sulforaphane on Helicobacter pylori-induced inflammation in human gastric epithelial AGS cells.
  1. Probiotic supplements:
  • Zhang, X., et al. (2019). Effects of probiotics on Helicobacter pylori eradication: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • McFarland, L. V. (2015). From yaks to yogurt: the history, development, and current use of probiotics.

Vagus Nerve ChatGPT : The vagus nerve is a long cranial nerve that runs from the brainstem through the face, neck, chest, and abdomen, and is involved in many functions including regulating the heart rate, controlling digestion, and regulating inflammation. A vagus nerve problem refers to any issue or dysfunction affecting the functioning of this nerve.

One common condition associated with vagus nerve dysfunction is called vagus nerve neuropathy or vagus neuropathy. This occurs when the nerve becomes damaged or inflamed, which can lead to a variety of symptoms such as hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, heart palpitations, and digestive issues.

Other vagus nerve problems may include a condition called vasovagal syncope, which is characterized by sudden fainting or loss of consciousness due to a drop in blood pressure and a slowing of the heart rate. Other conditions that may affect the vagus nerve include gastroparesis, which is a condition that affects digestion, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

If you are experiencing symptoms that may be related to vagus nerve dysfunction, it’s important to see a healthcare provider for an evaluation and proper diagnosis. Treatment options will depend on the specific condition and underlying cause of the vagus nerve problem.

There are a few natural approaches that may help to support vagus nerve function, although it’s important to note that more research is needed to fully understand the benefits of these approaches. Here are a few examples:

  1. Deep breathing: Slow, deep breathing exercises can help to stimulate the vagus nerve, which can promote relaxation and reduce stress. One technique is called “diaphragmatic breathing,” which involves breathing in through the nose and filling up the belly with air, then exhaling slowly through the mouth.
  2. Meditation: Regular meditation may help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can support healthy vagus nerve function. Research suggests that meditation may help to improve heart rate variability, which is a marker of vagal tone.
  3. Probiotics: Certain strains of probiotics may help to support vagus nerve function by reducing inflammation and improving gut health. One study found that probiotic supplements containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus were associated with increased vagal activity in healthy adults.
  4. Exercise: Regular physical activity has been shown to improve vagal tone, which can improve heart health and reduce stress. One study found that 12 weeks of aerobic exercise training led to increased vagal tone in older adults.
  5. Cold exposure: Cold exposure, such as taking cold showers or immersing the face in cold water, may help to stimulate the vagus nerve and increase vagal tone. One study found that 1-minute facial immersion in cold water led to increased heart rate variability, which is a marker of vagal tone.
  6. Yoga: Yoga combines physical postures with breathing exercises and meditation, which may help to improve vagal tone and reduce stress. One study found that regular yoga practice was associated with increased vagal activity in adults with chronic pain.
  7. Acupuncture: Acupuncture may help to stimulate the vagus nerve and improve vagal tone, although more research is needed to fully understand the effects. One study found that acupuncture was associated with increased vagal activity in healthy adults.
  8. Chewing: Chewing gum or eating crunchy foods may help to stimulate the vagus nerve, as the act of chewing sends signals to the brainstem that can activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
  9. Singing or humming: Singing or humming may help to stimulate the vagus nerve and improve vagal tone, as the vibrations from the vocal cords can stimulate the nerve.
  10. Mind-body practices: Other mind-body practices, such as tai chi and qigong, may help to improve vagal tone and reduce stress. One study found that regular tai chi practice was associated with increased heart rate variability and improved vagal tone in older adults.

@Maoshan_Wanderer I’ve checked argilate and read some studies, watched videos, I must say it gave me some hope, this seems effective for LPR according to several sources.
I looked it up on amazon but can’t find it, nor in french shops, the only argilate I found is sodium argilate which is a food thickener (and I’m afraid to choke on this…) or a product for making mouldings/casts. I don’t know if you know where I can find argilate Mg please?
Thanks again, every little hope makes me see a bit of light.

@Vincit thanks mate to have asked chatgpt. I am already taking some of those, I will complete my routine with other stuff from the list thank you. “Cured by chatgpt” seems like a good headline for the news outlets ;)

It seems the solution of elevating the bed head cured LPR in many people too, I’m going to make some wooden wedges, it seems 6 inches is what is needed. That’s would be awesome rally, such a smple solution it’s incredible…


Ohh my God, that’s the health problem i have for years :frowning: I thought this is my post lol

I know how you feel my guy, didn’t read replies of other guys yet, maybe they helped you but morphic fields are not real solution with this problem and they won’t heal this problem overnight
First eradicate helico with Proton-Pump inhibitors, antibiotics and probiotics (First check with your doctor)
Than reduce stress and diet (Important, read twice if needed)

I eradicated helico pilory 2 years ago but what left is scar on Z line of esophagus (Esophagitis) so Symptoms are still the same as they were when everything started

What helped me (Regenerated my esophagus 90%) is meditation
I know a guy who killed cancer cells through meditation, after that i’ve heard how Joe Dispenza healed his spine with mind power so i decided to try
It took me no more than 3 nights (Sessions were approximately 1 hour long)
I imagined myself in my mental room (Older Silva method students knows that technique :D), Just used to sit there, relax, imagine White light cells rebuilding my esophagus and stomach + Repeating affirmations mentally
I can send you in DM more details about this process so you can use it along with playlist


@DavidCopperFIELD hi my friend thanks for telling me your experience, very much appreciated!
So you cured your condition or not yet, didn’t fully understand (sorry english is not my native language). I hope you are doing well.

Doctors gave me PPIs and abx but I don’t want to take that stuff, first because they will mess up with my health even more I know it, and then because they don’t work all the time.

I did an endoscopy my eosophagus is fine thanks God. Only Pylori out there. I’m sorry for yours, hopefully it will heal little by little. Maybe it is due to acidity going up from the stomach (I don’t have this problem but I know it is a real pain).

That’s funny you tell me about meditation because I started Joe Dispenza meditation yesterday before sleeping, and did a session too this morning. So many people say they cured inimaginable deseases with meditation so I do believe you when you say it is powerful.
I am reading about transcendental meditation too (basically meditate while you reapeat a mantra in your head), this is a solution too, but it’s hard to concentrate on that.

Oh yes mate please send me some stuff if you think they could help me out, that’s very kind from you.
I really hope you are well and healthy, this condition is far from funny. Not being able to eat normally means fear of choking, and no social life at all.

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No problem, i also speak English intuitively :joy:
Well, it’s reversible in my case because of stress… I cure it 100% and after few days some Symptoms get back but i hope i’ll get rid of esophagitis very soon

Meds are bad today, i agree, but they won’t make any harm to your body in period of killing helico, trust me
Fields and meds are there to give you enough of time to change something in your lifestyle
Our mind knows how to heal body but you need to get rid of blockages (In this case diet and stress as a main factors…)

Heart Brain coherence meditations of Joe are best in this case but i’ll send you my method, how i did it :slightly_smiling_face:
Wish you luck my friend!


@DavidCopperFIELD Thanks for your wise advice, I got your message too.Yes stress is a mess I’ve always suffered from it since a child and I knew it would harm someday.
Let’s try meditation for this, it helped many stressed people recover a normal life.
You should try Aloe Vera gel for your eosophagus, read many positive testimonials.


Have you tried different fields ?


microkinesi is good for indigestion
Throat and chords
Smart stem cells
Ibs field
Gastro specialist
Sinus and upper respiratory
Iron gullet gives relief pretty Quick

As for foods :

11 H Pylori Foods to Eat (And 5 to Avoid) - Hollywood Homestead

I had a bacterial problem in my intestines and believe it or not, leeks helped the most.

You have already gotten alot of good advice up there and this thread is old, so you might not even have this problem anymore.

I will just post this advice anyway cause I have been through something similar.


Hi Dan thank you very much for taking the time to help me, very much appreciated. Still have the issue (food getting stuck in my throat when I swallow) no pain though. I tried some of the fields you mentionned but I will try the others. I think I am not receptive to fields but who knows, maybe I didnt find the right one yet.

I have a clean diet (paleo, without sugar, gluten, dairy, processed food, no meat too, only fish and eggs), I dont eat leeks because I heard it is hard on intestines, but it sounds interesting to try if you improved your issue thanks to them.

Thanks again for all your advices, people on this board are really great souls. Take care


Thats a weak swallowing muscle isnt it ?

That makes me think maybe you could get more from Muscle fields,

like maybe



Thank you. Yes maybe the upper (also maybe bottom) valve that are week or not synchronized well. The cause I suspect is the vagus nerve. I tried field for that in the past. I didnt try field for muscles though, I will do, thanks for this suggestion.

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