Lucid Dreams 2.0

There was a field for custom orders, there were t-shirt designs, there’s one on gumroad, there was a previous version on YouTube, there probably was an NFT, there’s the card you mention from the Book of the Cards, etc etc.

There were loads of previous iterations, in summary


Speaking of dreams if anyone also knows the meaning of erotic dreams with nocturnal ejaculation.

Erotic lucid dream… :sweat_smile:

We should gather the ones made by dream from scratch

Yeah this and what means if you get swallowed by air conditioner in a dream. :sweat_smile:


It happens if you have too much non trasmuted sexual energy and therefore have sexual thoughts during the day; or if you have a long semen retention streak and/or you’re abstaining from porn and your brain is rewiring (in my experience)


I think they will work together if they’re from the same creator

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According to the description, this could include some of The Lucid Dreamer concepts ($188 on gumroad); so, is this a brain wiring field?

that’s exactly it :slightly_smiling_face:

Not when you’re from the other side of the :earth_asia: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Thank you for this Cap! :sleeping:


Feeling is important. While being in the scene with realism, you have to accept the fact that your desire is fulfilled already. Feeling of reality + acceptance of it as the truth is all thats necessary


Wow thank Dreamweaver the mandala is so beautiful :pray:


Also notice how the image is very likely a reference to 莊子 Zhuangzi ?

Chuangtse said that he once dreamed of being a butterfly, and while he was in the dream, he felt he could flutter his wings and everything was real, but that on waking up, he realized that he was Chuangtse and Chuangtse was real. Then he thought and wondered which was really real, whether he was really Chuangtse dreaming of being a butterfly, or really a butterfly dreaming of being Chuangtse. Life, then, is really a dream, and we human beings are like travelers floating down the eternal river of time, embarking at a certain point and disembarking again at another point in order to make room for others waiting below the river to come aboard. Half of the poetry of life would be gone, if we did not feel that life was either a dream, or a voyage with transient travelers, or merely a stage in which the actors seldom realized that they were playing their parts.


Holy shit man, I can’t wait till I have to sleep, never been so happy to got to bed

“Life is like a dream” is a Chinese saying, an old saying that is constantly repeated by people. Tracing back to its origin, it comes from the end of “Zhuangzi·Equality of Things”.

“Zhuangzi·Qiwulun” contains: “In the past, Zhuang Zhou’s dream was a butterfly, and it was a butterfly. It was a self-reported aspiration! I don’t know Zhou Ye. Suddenly, it is a butterfly. I don’t know Zhou’s dream is a butterfly and a butterfly? The dream of a butterfly is Zhou Yu? Zhou and Hu Die must be divided. This is called materialization.”

It is said that one day, Zhuang Zhou dreamed that he became a butterfly. At that time, it was a dancing butterfly, very happy and leisurely, not knowing that he was Zhuang Zhou. After waking up from the dream, it was Zhuang Zhou who was lying on the bed. He thought over and over again, but he was still not sure: did Zhuang Zhou dream that he turned into a butterfly, or did the butterfly dream that he turned into Zhuang Zhou?

Which of the two is the real existence?

The life experience we think is real during the day and what you experience in your dreams at night cannot be mutually denied, and have exactly the same logical value.


Thank you Captain…
Going to give this a test drive in the day…have a bad case of jetlag just coming off a long haul flight…sometimes those days naps can be very lucid indeed…

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Was just about to take a nap and stumbled upon this gem :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Will report back after my nap if anything interesting happened.



Dont miss it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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what a beautiful mandala :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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TYSM rose
Blessings to you dear one! :slight_smile:


Man be giving us such gifts despite needing rest.