Lucky Horseshoe and Clover (N/A)

thank you so much!

Staring at this imagine massively changed my energy. Probably one of the biggest shifts Iā€™ve had in a while. Quite powerful stuff :100::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

I was looping moldavite so that was probably a big factor in it too.


Blown by it as well :pray: :four_leaf_clover:

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Itā€™s better download by this image

or by Rarible?

Either should work equally well.

In other words, energetically they maintain the same property, even if they are adapted with Photoshop or graphic programs?

Thatā€™s a bit more complicated. From what I understand, the organization of the photo holds the energetic programming, so as long as you arenā€™t significantly altering the actual content of the image it would be fine. If you are distorting the image itself, thatā€™s when you may run into issues.

If someone knows better than me and Iā€™m misinformed, please feel free to correct me.

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From the Smilodon Energy and Power thread:


ok to use alongside draw luck mandala?


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thank you

Hey @Ryan_Ray I made this wallpaper for myself, hereā€™s a copy if you or anyone else wants to use.

Edits done were:

  • rotated and resized (keeping original proportions) to add a blank white border around the image, with the final canvas size in the approximate proportions of my phone screen, so it wonā€™t crop off.
  • filled in the white spaces with Retouch app

I tried not to harm any original pixels in the process but a few border ones might have been mushed (sorry Iā€™m not a photoshop wizard I just did it on a phone), but I think it would still work.:crossed_fingers:


I prefer the solution made by Luna, Because is the original adapted from desktop

I donā€™t understand how this works. You mean people can buy this image then put it every where they want, hoping something positive happens?! Itā€™s more apprehensible when it comes in the form of a necklace, because itā€™s always with you and charges your energy. We have the same thing in our culture, but thisā€¦I donā€™t get it.

So it works like a Tag, do you have to wear it to work well?

Yes but do you have to stay within 3-5 feet for as long as possible, as per the tags, or just look at it once in a while?


In this case, we cultivate and grow the field of the Mandala by looking at it from time to time (connecting to the morphic field with our gaze - example - if the Mandala is installed as the wallpaper on the phone), if the Mandala is imprinted, it should also be kept close to us, with our energy system.
In the case of dog-tags-their action, power is effectively nurtured by the tremendous power of the field, which is constantly generating our heart (If we wear a dog tag on our chest)
This is what I remember from what I read earlier on our forumā€¦

from SES web:


Thank you for making this wallpaper. It fit nicely on my smartphone.


Thanks a lot for this mandala/image @Dreamweaver! I had 2 copies of this printed, one for my wallet and one when Iā€™m at home doing things, watching TV. :+1: