Lucky Horseshoe and Clover (N/A)

Luck stat its very important . :muscle:

I want to share a bit my experience and results : ( Fast and potent )

Already noticed 2 things wearing the art mandala :

1st thing : Emotional support and the feeling of all is well . So i can keep focused without distractions . Because i know all its ok .

2nd thing : I had some interactions with persons that where very unusual but also very pleasant .

I just remembered while experiencing this "surprises " the words of Mr @Cambrian

amazed for this , to be able to experience luck and side effects of luck . :four_leaf_clover:

Im Keeping focused working hard while blessings coming my way :)

Thanks :)



While wearing this mandala, did you look at it. Did you not look at it at all and still reap the benefits.

Keep it closer to you . :pinching_hand:

And ye you can gaze him for better "absorbtion " (edit : integration its a best word ) :eye: :fire:But also its not needed you can just wear it. :nail_care:


Thank you, but i was wondering what you did. Can you please tell me?


Wallpaper of my Phone .

More details? :smirk:

Desk and lock screen .


Thanks AkiraTheWild!


Lol I love :heart_eyes_cat: your use of emojis :laughing:


instead I look at it but I donā€™t wear it, because I have it on the lock and PC screen saver, I donā€™t know if it works anyway, but I prefer it like this


@AkiraTheWild rolled high in Charisma. :smiley:


Do i have to use mandala everyday to make sure it work?
I only put them in my pocket and carry when i work, about 8 hours a day.
Sunday and other time i donā€™t wear it. (exept when i go out)

My dadā€™s business has all but completely died within the last couple years. He owns his own business selling promotional products like magnetic business cards, imprinted pens, calendars, etc. Anything imprinted. He also does mass mailings for companies. I wonā€™t be specific about how much he has been making, but Iā€™ll just say he was lucky to even get one small order every month.
After putting this in his pocket, he landed a big single order the next day and then a couple days later got back a huge long term customer of his that had left a couple years ago. All of this coincidence? No way it could be. He hadnā€™t even gotten a single order in months. He has been working for goPuff delivering because he has to. My dad, even being skeptical of these fields said that this definitely worked. He did stop keeping it in his pocket out of forgetfulness but I reminded him today what it did for him and he placed it back in.
As for me, I have been getting super lucky with the Wheel of Fortune field alone so I donā€™t use this that much. I will keep yā€™all updated on my dadā€™s luck!


ayeee! good for your dad!


Thank you bro!


Wow Iā€™ve had the total opposite experience with itā€¦ every time :pleading_face: Last time it happened I was like fine letā€™s remove all past experiences and any kinda expectations about itā€¦

But Lucky horseshoe has been miraculous! I donā€™t use the audio as much because I keep the image as my wallpaper, and things always turn around for the best. Itā€™s also surprised me so many times when servitors would work with it. I gave the audio a listen a day or so back and it was a reminder of how itā€™s always good to include the audio versions :slight_smile:

More luck to your dadā€™s business! If he is open to it, maybe he can get the luck sigil so whenever he forgets to wear the mandala he would always be wearing his luck item :)


Wow! It has worked magic in my life. I havenā€™t missed more than a couple days of using it since itā€™s been out. I did go through a dark month recently but i still would say I got lucky in many circumstances.

Iā€™m happy for you! Interesting how everyone reacts differently based on different needs.

Now I might also put as my wallpaper. I downloaded one someone posted earlier in the thread. The audio is actually very heavy and draining on my energy body for some reason

Thank you! Iā€™ll def give him the luck sigil as well. Hope you continue to get lucky!


Man whenever Iā€™m about to do something really big and I play it everything just turns back and says Whoop whoop back where you were! Iā€™m like uhhh alright I turn to The World now!! I might figure out a few reasons why it would do that butā€¦ I decided to drop the expectations and just go with its flow.

The mandala is definitely lighter! But thatā€™s because of the nature of the medium rather than the energy itself (just my observation) but the audio has an energy thatā€™s pretty much like when you put SLR for the first time lol

I like fields with stronger and potent energies so I like to ā€œkeep tryingā€ with them. A few minutes of the field will ā€œremindā€ my mind and body and things will flow right from there!

Yes! Would be an interesting addition! And thank you I can really use some good luck where Iā€™m at now :D


I used this for a while and didnā€™t really know what it was doing if anything. I planned on adding it back in eventually. Thereā€™s just so many to choose from!

I agree

Donā€™t get me wrong I do too. But, mostly the vibrational raising/spiritual growth related type powerful. The lucky audio is so ā€œdense.ā€

Anyway good luck to you!


Offered the same to my Dad whoā€™s also an entrepreneur (thanks again for the tip B. :pray:)

He is also very skeptical, but wellā€¦ this was an easy sale :grin:

Iā€™ve been in a huge transition for the last month and been living with my parents temporarily, so I could observe him as we both work from home:

  • Heā€™s always been enjoying what it does, but there is a new energy to it. Iā€™ve noticed he is so much more in the flow than usual.
  • He closed two deals last week, one of them was highly uncertain.
  • Some long time partners called him this beginning of the week with sweet leads.
  • He shared a few times that this week he knows clearly on which deals he should dedicate more attention.

His mojo is a consequence of his hard work and passion, but it definitely brings more favorable conditions through flow, connections and probability going in our favor.

He hasnā€™t shared anything about the probable effects of the lucky horseshoe and clover yet, but when I asked if heā€™s still wearing it, he shared that he is wearing it all the time.


I think that ā€˜777 study/mediational/motivationā€™ field is quite potent. Outcomes or situations; whether itā€™s good, bad or random, just keep working in my favourā€¦


Just hung this printed on canvas next to a real horseshoe, may everyone that passes through the door be blessed with the luck of the Irish! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: