Lunagaron (closed)

Main 1: Ice Age (Recreates the benefits and replicates the beneficial adaptations humans developed from living in the ancient ice age)

  • Cryotherapy
  • Automated Wim Hof Method
  • Ancestral Human adaptations such as straight teeth, robust skeletal structure, natural immunity, physical endurance and heightened connection with nature

Main 2: The Mythical Wolf (A transformation not unlike yet not exactly like that of a werewolf)

  • The physical prowess of an Apex Direwolf (the specimen which has touched the racial limit)
  • Dragon element/factor/essence to amplify and exaggerate the physical wolf element
  • Primal bestial aura that induces submission in same-sex and attraction in opposite-sex

Main 3: Perfected Milk of Shub Niggurath

  • The Milk of Shub Niggurath “has many properties, mutating those who drink it into fierce creatures”
  • Distillation and purification process to remove corruption and uncontrolled mutation to result a controlled, beneficent yet potent transformation that retains human structure integrity
  • Mental enhancement along with madness protection (blocks mental deterioration or illness and improves mental clarity)
  • Interested
0 voters

Is it still possible to enter?

This one looks nice :slight_smile:

As the private chat groups are limited to 30(?) people i am kind of lazy to have to exceed the current number and manage two different threads… especially since i do not intend to be as active on the forum edit: i managed to squeeze you into the last slot


@Rosechalice would like to trouble you to close this thread when you have the time, thankyou