Luxury and Pleasure (Recruiting)

Pleasure is the art of experiencing life in totality - It is a transcendent experience beyond mere sensory perceptions. It is is a complex psychic experience that engages memory, motivation, consciousness, and the experience of the present moment.

In a world that often prioritizes productivity, achievement, and external validation, it is easy to overlook the importance of pleasure in our lives. Pleasure, however, is not a frivolous indulgence but an integral part of our well-being and fulfillment - including that of professional setting.

The art of pleasure lies in our ability to embrace the present moment, to find pleasure in the simplest of experiences, and to discover the depths of fulfillment within ourselves. It requires us to shift our perspective and recognize that pleasure is not limited to grandiose events or rare occurrences but can be found in the ordinary and mundane and in the daily pursuits of life.

Society often imposes certain goals and requirements, suggesting that without them, life lacks any real achievement. In reality, the true essence of satisfaction lies in our individual capacity to appreciate and derive intrinsic rewards from everyday experiences. Intrinsic motivation encompasses various psychological concepts, including the inherent inclination to pursue personal choices, seek novelty and challenges, satisfy curiosity and competence, and expand one’s capacities and control over events. These concepts share a common thread of inner endorsement, the belief that one’s actions are self-generated and deeply personal.

Pleasure is an experience that is carried through a strong emotion, an essential component that can be found through means of pleasure: Satisfaction.

Satisfaction is our own inner strength; it is the personal knowing that the roads and paths of our life are not taking us far from where we want to become. It is the robustness of our life’s elements and constructs—the discovery of meaning and purpose in our pursuits, the nurturing of personal growth, the attentive care we extend to ourselves, the vitality of our health and physicality, and the sheer delight of being alive. and most importantly, our personal ability of looking back at any given moment - and feeling this sense of having been One with your life. Life has been building you up just as much as you have been shaping it. Satisfaction becomes the emotional anchor that heightens our enjoyment and motivates us to seek further moments of pleasure and luxury

Pleasure is a concept that is closely tied to the Principles of Reality; meaning that an individual’s self-perception is often linked to the amount of pleasure they allow themselves to experience.

Refined and Exclusive living; Luxury represents the highest level of indulgence and exclusivity in experiences. Luxury transcends the ordinary, offering an exclusive and refined experience that goes beyond fulfilling basic needs and desires. It represents a world of exceptional quality, elegance, and exclusivity, where every detail is carefully curated to create a sense of distinction.

The allure of luxury lies in its remarkable power to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary ones steeped in opulence. Its exquisite craftsmanship, unwavering attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to superior quality elevate the sensory experience, intensifying the pleasure derived from each encounter.

Luxury grants individuals the opportunity to immerse themselves in a world of sophistication. It serves as a tangible symbol of personal fulfillment, exclusivity, and status, embodying the pleasures that can only be offered by indulging in the finest experiences life has to offer.

Yet, the true essence of luxury and pleasure transcends the superficial. It is an experience that awakens our senses, expands our consciousness, and connects us to the sublime. It is in these moments of indulgence and refinement that we access deeper levels of fulfillment, where the subtler pleasures carry a greater richness and provide a profound sense of contentment.

Spiritual philosophies recognize true pleasure as a profound and transformative experience that transcends the superficial. In the context of yogic wisdom, the depths of pleasure are revealed when we fully immerse ourselves in the experience and awareness is cultivated; savoring each moment, and surrendering to its flow, we discover the divine quality that resides within.

Yogic Philosophies identify 5 levels of pleasure that offer increasingly profound and meaningful experiences; progressing from the more superficial to the exquisitely subtle

  • Sensual pleasure
  • Loving intimacy
  • Purposeful action
  • Creative expression
  • Spiritual immersion

These subtler levels of pleasure, though requiring effort and practice, bring us closer to the essence of the divine experience of life. It becomes an intuitive understanding that the subtler pleasures carry a greater richness and provide a profound sense of contentment.

Scientific research proposes similar numerical markers to the study of well-being and satisfaction. Examining the relationship between satisfaction and overall life qualities has set the researchers to propose a model of 5 markers of satisfaction through which the levels of satisfaction within an individual life is assessed and measured:

  • Life Satisfaction
  • Happiness
  • Leisure Satisfaction
  • Personal Wellbeing
  • National Well being

the model correlates the proposed markers to have an interdependent relationship with the rest of the marks, such that an increase in one marker has a direct influential effect on the rest. Economic stability, for example, renders individuals Financial Security which in return contributes to an increase of the sum of Life & Leisure satisfaction. In one statistics-centered study, it was highlighted that our levels of satisfaction is closely related to what we spend more than what we earn. Indeed, the metrics for this were not of bills, but rather activities of reward and leisure.

One certain measure that sets two lives apart is the level of consciously perceived pleasure in their commitments and paths, meaning that such cumulative effects of leisure, a better life experience, and continuous experience of satisfaction, are rather shaped by perception. The extent of pleasure perceived in relation to a specific task plays a pivotal role in determining one’s commitment to their chosen path. Intrinsic behaviors, for instance, are motivated by the level of pleasure experienced during the act itself. This perception of pleasure as a driving force redirects focus from the eventual destination to the ongoing journey, gradually bringing it within reach. those who fixate on delayed gratification and the ultimate reward may encounter fleeting moments of pleasure that swiftly dissipate, in contrast to individuals who maintain a heightened and consistent momentum of pleasure.

Purposefully crafting a life of pleasure and satisfaction where inherent relationships to Pleasure in its various kinds are modulated to fit a new exemplary model of pleasure; a life where opulence and indulgence are allowed to be an integral part of life - expressed to be in its personalized ideal favor. the project will focus on several other concepts to be announced to the participating group members inside.

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I’m very excited about this one. I hope it gets made.


This looks amazing! Is it still possible to join? @Desiree

just want to ask , is the group already made??

Aún disponible . Deseo unirme :heart::pray:t4:

This one :crown: :cherry_blossom::two_hearts::comet: so looking forward to it! :blossom:

Would love to join if possible. What a beautiful concept.


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Interested of course :wink:

Interested :heart_eyes:

Is it still possible to join?